Chapter 8 - Odessa

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My walk with Jacob went as well as I expected it to be. He wasn't polite at all, we had barely left the building and he had already let the door shut in my face and let me almost fall down the stairs. at least I didn't fall in a pond this time. when I got back from the walk Sylvanna was in my room, making my bed and dusting. "hey I told you I can do that!" I say lightly slapping her and she smiles, "yes, yet you haven't done it?" I stand back a bit and she laughs, "wow, real funny." I say and I lay down on the bed she just made, she was mad for a moment but then she joined me. I play with Sylvannas hair and braid it, but after a while I sigh, "what would Lukas do.." I let go of her hair and she sits up and frowns, "What do you mean?" I lean back onto the head board and shrug, "I don't know, would he run away or accept his fate in this situation?" She laughs. "we both know Lukas would run away, bringing you and me with him." I giggle and nod, "yeah, I guess he would.." my thoughts trail off to the dream I had the other night, Lukas... "hey, I um-" I start but I am cut off by a booming yell down the hallway. Sylvanna and I jolt up and off the bed and I lead the way into the hallway. the person screams again and it sounds young, theres only one young person who would have that voice. I start to run to the room the scream came from, Sylvanna hot on my heels, grabbing my dress so i don't fall. I stop in front of a room and i hear yelling, I swing the door open and my mouth falls open when I see Chris on the floor holding his arm and Blaise pinned to the wall. glass has broken everywhere and even a bit of the Doona is ripped. Sylvanna runs to Chris which leaves me to help Blaise. I walk forward and rock back and forth a few times, with my hands twined behind my back, i smile. "you two look snug, mind if I interrupt?" the guy holding Blaise puts him down, "you should get lost lad-" he stills when he turns around and sees me standing there, god sometimes being princess has its perks. "Y-your Majesty!" He says as he gets down onto one knee, "no no, don't stop, what were you going to say?" I ask and he falters, before mumbling some words, I lean in and put my hand on my ear, "sorry I didn't quite get that, repeat yourself but actually speak." he stands up and repeats himself louder, "I was telling you to get lost" I clap "ah thats what i thought..." I look behind him to Blaise who is wiping blood off his mouth, "what were you doing?" I ask and he looks around for something to help him, "I was just- t-that kid stole something from me!" he says pointing to Chris, "so I came into his room to get it back and this man was here to and he tried to fight me!" I nod "ah.. yes okay, and what did this young gentleman steal exactly?" The man goes pale and starts to stutter, "i- uh..." I walk towards the door and cut him off, "see, that story could be plausable" I say smiling, before shutting the door slightly, "it would've been if this was this young mans room" I finish leading my hand to where Chris is being aided. The man is deathly pale right now and he knows we caught him, "oh, uh, which man were you again? Roofus... or" I click my fingers as he quietly says Adam, "thats it! Adam." I look behind Adam to Blaise who is now over with Chris, seeing if hes alright. "I have something great to tell you" I go towards Adam, "you just won" Adam looks at me confused but then he smiles as if he won an award, he doesn't let me finish when he says, "I knew you liked a rebel. once I'm king, these two will be sentenced to death!" he stands up and unexpectadly hugs me and then kisses me. I am taken aback for a moment before coughing, "please, if you are going to kiss a princess, brush your teeth first." he stills and looks angry, like he is already king, "excuse me-" "oh yes Alex, you didn't let me finish my sentence" he steps back, not ready to hear my next words, "you won a night in the dungeons, but after that act" i point to his general area, "I don't think your worthy of being a contestant." I finish my words and straighten my night gown out, meanwhile Alan gets down on his knees and crawls towards me, then he grabs my night gown and scrunches it, "please your majesty, please don't disqualify me!" He begs but I've stopped listening, I kick him off me. he looks at me stunned, "how dare you touch me?!" I say and everyone stops to look at me, stunned by the seriousness in my tone. "I-Im sorry!" he begs but it's too late, I walk towards him and roughly grab his chin, forcing him to look at me, "I don't know who you think you are, but I am a lady and i expected more from someone who wanted to be king. you are nothing but a worthless little bakers boy, and i am going to send you home with a note that will tell your parents some not so kind words about your behaviour, and i then hope to never see your unworthy face again." I shove him away, and then call the guards. before he can say anything else, he is taken away. As soon as they leave I shut the door and rush to Chris, "Hey Chris, are you okay?" I ask and he nods, then I turn my anger to Blasie, "what the hell was that? what did you do?" I say and he stands up, looking confused, "me? why would I do anything to cause Chris harm? and why would I let someone willingly pin me to a wall?" I shrug and throw a hand at him, "I don't know, a fetish maybe?" He scoffs as if he couldn't believe me, "wow, Princess you are really something else-" I step towards him, close enough I can see the crease in his frown "I know it was you, why would Chris cause himself trouble?! and I have already told you to call me your Majesty." He doesn't move away, nor does he break eye contact with me, "did you? I don't remember that conversation" he smiles and leans into my ear and whispers, "Princess." I push him into the wall and step back, realising my face has suddenly become hot. before I can help myself I take a big step towards him, raise my hand and send a slap across his face. He stumbles back into the wall and he holds his face. I say nothing more to him as I walk out towards my room, I am fuming. how dare he be so arrogant, and stupid, and brainless. I should disqualify him for being so unserious! I sigh and collapse onto my bed. I don't even get under the covers before I am asleep.

"just you wait darling..." I feel a hand caress my face and I cannot tell whether it is a dream or not. i tighten my eyes and scrunch my nose, still drowsy from sleep. a man in a low voice whispers, "Soon, my darling, soon you will be mine." the hand leaves my face and before I can open my eyes, something gets planted over my mouth, it smells of lavender, and before I know it, Everything goes blank again and the odour faints.

I wake up in a jolt as I swing my body forward. I hear birds outside chirping and the sun shines through my window. there is a knocking coming from my door and I get up quickly, scared that whoever was here last night is here again, I pick up a candlestick from my vanity and I hide beside the door. I don't remember what happened but i know for a fact that it was not a dream. another knock comes to the door and then I see the doorknob turn slowly. why won't the person just state their name?! The door slowly opens and my heart starts beating in my ears, before I see who it is I swing my candlestick at them, the mystery man turns around fast enough to catch the candlestick and yank it off me, causing me to stumble backwards and into the wall. The person- the man looks at me with wide eyes, then he falls to the floor next to me to see if I'm okay. I shrug them off me. "your majesty I am so solemnly sorry!" he begs and I shake my head, "begone. I don't want to see your face again, otherwise you will be sleeping with the prisoners." The colour drains from his face, he nods and bows before rushing out of the room. I sigh and run my hand over my skull, i wince as the salt in my fingers dig into what must be a cut on my head, I must of hurt myself when i hit the wall. I shut my eyes and sigh. a few minutes later I hear another knock and Sylvanna walks in, "Oh my Valas! Des what on earth happened?!" she kneels down next to me and I smile, "some man came in and I fell" She tuts and Helps me up, she places me on the bed and she runs to get the first aid kit, while Syl is gone I ponder why that man came into my room, what did he want? and what happened last night? the whole scene is blurry and all i remember really is the mans voice and the smell of lavender which i smelt before passing out again. i lay back onto my bed and fall asleep, or I pass out, I don't remember.

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