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Princess Autumn de Rose stood at the gates of Momos Academy for Boys, her heart hammering in her chest. She had led before—after all, as the only daughter of Canada's royal family, responsibility was second nature. But today was different. Boys. So many boys. Her phobia was gnawing at her confidence. With her long brown hair cascading down her back and her eyes—a striking shade reminiscent of autumn leaves—she commanded attention. Still, the weight of their stares sent a chill through her. Keep it together, she told herself.

Her best friend, Maya, walked beside her. As the prefect leader, Maya's soft but stern demeanor was a constant source of comfort. She knew how Autumn's phobia could spiral into panic. Maya's voice was steady, "Remember why you're here, Autumn. You've faced bigger things than this."

Autumn clenched her fists, her signature rose scent lingering in the air. **Right**, she thought. She had to succeed—not just for herself, but for the crown. Canada had sent her on this immersion program to build relationships with Momos Academy, and it was her duty to represent her family with pride. No amount of anxiety could undo her mission.

But even as Maya spoke, the glances from the male students seemed to intensify. She could feel their curiosity, their judgment. Was it her beauty? Or the infamous title they'd branded her with—the "Poisonous Rose of Canada"? That name clung to her, unwanted. Despite her best efforts, rumors of her cold personality and sharp tongue followed her wherever she went. Here, at Momos, it was no different.

She sighed quietly, adjusting the crisp edges of her uniform. She wore it like armor, shielding herself from the reality that she was in a school full of boys—her worst nightmare. The gates of the academy loomed behind her now, closing her into this new world.

As they reached the grand courtyard, Maya gestured toward a group of students gathered near the entrance hall. "There, the Student Council President. He'll be helping with the immersion. Don't worry, I'll be by your side."

Autumn's stomach twisted. She was not ready for this, but there was no turning back. Gritting her teeth, she nodded. "I know. Let's get this over with."

With Maya leading the way, she took her first steps into the academy, doing everything in her power to hide the fear bubbling inside her. Autumn's regal appearance was enough to make others falter, but she knew that beneath the surface, she was the one on the verge of breaking. **I can do this**, she thought. **I have to.**

The air inside the academy was filled with anticipation. As they moved deeper into the building, her mind raced, wondering what the boys thought of her. Were they mocking her? Did they think she was weak? The heavy weight of her title lingered in her thoughts. The "Poisonous Rose." A rose with thorns—beautiful, but dangerous.

Autumn didn't want to be known for her sharpness. She wanted to be understood, but the only way she knew how to protect herself was by pushing others away. The problem was, here, in a school filled with boys, her usual defense mechanisms wouldn't work.

Maya's steady presence kept her grounded as they approached the Student Council. From a distance, she spotted him—Alexis, the council president, a boy with a warm smile and welcoming posture. But her eyes drifted past him to another figure standing further back. Gion Zecchino, the prince of Italy. His cold, calculating eyes met hers for a brief second before he looked away, his disinterest clear.

Autumn felt a pang of frustration. **Of course**, she thought. **Another one who's already decided who I am.**

Her heart sank, but her exterior remained icy and composed. She wouldn't let them see her falter. Instead, she offered a polite, detached nod to Alexis as he welcomed her warmly.

"Princess Autumn, welcome to Momos Academy," Alexis said, extending a hand. His charm was undeniable, and the other boys around him seemed at ease in his presence.

"Thank you," Autumn replied, her voice steady but her mind racing. **Just smile. Keep the walls up. Don't let them see your fear.**

As the students buzzed around her, preparing for the immersion, Autumn could feel Gion's gaze brush past her once again, colder this time. She wasn't sure what his problem was, but something told her this immersion was going to be far more difficult than she'd imagined.

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