Chapter 23: A Test of Resolve

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Kirito, now known as Alpha, stood alone in the darkened streets of the game, his heart weighed down by the betrayal he had witnessed just two days ago. The pain of Shino's actions burned deep, but he forced himself to push the memory aside. He had another truth to uncover—a truth that could save everyone trapped in this virtual nightmare.

He gritted his teeth, clenching his fists as he remembered the words of his brother, Cid Kirigaya. If Heathcliff was truly Kayaba Akihiko, then this entire game had been nothing but a twisted experiment. And Kirito needed to know if Heathcliff was really immortal, as the rumors suggested.

He couldn't let his emotions cloud his judgment. Ignoring Shino for the rest of his life was the only option left. He had to focus on the mission.

After two days of intense preparation, Kirito finally made his move. It was the dead of night, and the Knights of the Blood Oath's Guild House was eerily quiet. He moved silently through the shadows, his dark outfit blending seamlessly with the darkness. His heart pounded as he approached the massive structure. The plan was simple—sneak in, attack Heathcliff, and see if he could inflict any damage.

He navigated the hallways with ease, finding very few guards patrolling. He found it suspicious—too suspicious. But he couldn't afford to hesitate now. He reached Heathcliff's room without any obstacles, and his grip tightened around his weapon.

As he pushed open the door, he saw Heathcliff sitting in his chair, seemingly asleep. Kirito's heart pounded in his chest as he raised his sword, ready to strike. But just as he was about to bring his blade down, a figure appeared in front of him, blocking his path.


Kirito's eyes widened as he found himself face-to-face with Asuna. Her rapier was pointed at his throat, her eyes filled with shock and determination.

"Asuna?!" he exclaimed, unable to hide his surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you the same question, Kirito," she replied, her voice steady. "Or should I say... Alpha?"

Before Kirito could react, several members of the Knights of the Blood Oath emerged from the shadows, surrounding him. He cursed under his breath, realizing he had walked right into a trap.

Heathcliff stood up, a calm smile on his face. "Welcome, Kirito. Or should I call you Alpha, as well?" he said, his tone mocking. "I knew you would come. It was only a matter of time."

Kirito's eyes widened. "You knew?!"

Heathcliff chuckled. "Of course. I know everything that happens in this world. After all, I created it."

The realization hit Kirito like a punch to the gut. This wasn't just a random attack. Heathcliff had known all along. He had been watching him, waiting for him to make his move.

He tried to turn and flee, but an arrow whizzed through the air, piercing his back. Kirito cried out in pain, collapsing to the ground. He struggled to stay conscious as he looked up to see Shino standing in the doorway, her bow raised.

"Shino..." he whispered, his vision blurring. But she didn't show any sign of remorse. Instead, she lowered her weapon, her eyes cold and indifferent.

"I'm sorry, Kirito. But this is how it has to be," she said softly.

The world went dark as Kirito's body crumpled to the floor, his consciousness slipping away.

When he awoke, it was morning. Kirito found himself in a small, dimly lit cell. His arms were chained to the wall, his body aching from the arrow wound. His armor and weapons were gone, leaving him defenseless.

He tugged at the chains, but they wouldn't budge. He was trapped. Alone.

A few hours later, the door creaked open, and Shino stepped inside. She looked at him with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Who are they, Kirito?" she asked, her voice steady. "Your brother, Cid, and the others. What are they planning?"

Kirito glared at her, his eyes filled with defiance. He refused to speak, refusing to betray the people who had risked everything to save him. He remained silent, his lips pressed into a thin line.

Shino sighed and turned away. "I thought you'd say that. I'll leave you alone for now, but this isn't over."

She left the room, locking the door behind her. Kirito's mind raced as he tried to think of a way out, but no plan came to mind. The chains were too strong, and without his weapons, he was powerless.

As night fell, the door to his cell opened again. This time, Shino and Klein entered, their expressions filled with a sinister determination.

"Kirito," Shino said softly, "I want to show you something."

Before he could respond, she leaned in and kissed Klein passionately. Kirito looked away, his face emotionless, refusing to give them the satisfaction of seeing his pain.

They pulled away, surprised by his lack of reaction. "He doesn't care," Klein muttered, frustration creeping into his voice.

"Maybe this will change that," Shino said, a dark glint in her eyes.

Without warning, they began to undress, their actions becoming more intense. Kirito clenched his jaw, his eyes fixed on the wall as they had sex right in front of him. The sight that would have once broken him now only made him feel numb.

When they were done, Shino looked at him, her face flushed with anger. "Why don't you care?! We're doing this right in front of you!"

Kirito didn't answer. He didn't even look at them. His silence seemed to enrage Klein, who grabbed his spear and thrust it into Kirito's side.

Pain shot through his body as his HP dropped dangerously low. He gasped, struggling to stay conscious as the world around him blurred.

"Stop it!" Shino shouted, grabbing Klein's arm. "Don't kill him yet."

Klein pulled his spear away, forcing a healing potion down Kirito's throat. Kirito coughed, his body trembling as his HP slowly recovered.

"We have another surprise for you," Shino said, her voice filled with malice.

The cell door opened, and several guards entered, dragging a beaten Silica behind them. Kirito's heart sank as they threw her into the cell opposite his, her body crumpling to the ground.

"Silica..." he whispered, his voice filled with horror. But she didn't respond. She was barely conscious, her body trembling with pain.

Shino's eyes gleamed with sadistic pleasure. "Do as you please with her," she ordered the guards, her smile cruel. "Make sure Kirito can see everything."

The guards grinned as they advanced on Silica. Kirito screamed, his voice filled with desperation and rage. "Stop! Please, stop! Don't hurt her!"

But Shino only watched, her expression cold and unfeeling. "This is what happens to those who oppose us, Kirito."

Tears streamed down his face as he watched helplessly. The guards carried out Shino's orders, brutalizing Silica as Kirito struggled against his chains, his heart breaking with every scream she made.

When it was over, Silica lay lifeless on the ground, her body broken and battered. Kirito's mind was filled with a blinding rage, his heart consumed by vengeance.

"Why... why would you do this?" he whispered, his voice shaking with fury and sorrow.

But Shino didn't answer. She only smiled, her eyes glinting with satisfaction as she turned and left, leaving Kirito alone in the dark, his heart shattered beyond repair.

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