Basic Bitch

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I throw on a sheer blue top as Ruby and Beth count the money. "How much is there?" Beth asks. "Same as yesterday." I look over at Annie as she searches for places to flee to. "Costa Rica?" She suggests. "Bugs." Ruby says shaking her head.

"We cannot run. We have families." Beth states. "Right. China." "Speak Chinese, bitch." I say uncross my arms and narrowing my eyes at her. "Earthquakes." Ruby adds. I take a seat on my love seat. "That's the big issues with China?" Annie asks in disbelief. "You have a better problem with China?" "Human rights violations, communist rule-" I cut Annie off before she can continue. "No, we're gonna stay and confront this. We can't spend the rest of our lives running from some bald-headed gangbanger with a giggling problem." I say agreeing with Beth previous statement.

Annie continues her list ignoring me. "Air pollution, swine flu-" "They don't have Indian food. I need to go someplace where they have Indian food." Ruby retorts. "India?" Annie suggests. "God no."

Annie computer keeps dinging. "Who keeps IM'ing you?" Beth asks annoyed. "Oh, I put Hans up on eBay." I scrunch my face. "Who's Hans?" I ask confused. "The little drummer boy I stole from Boomer's granny." Annie holds it up twirling him around. "Annie, that is an heirloom." "A potentially a priceless one." I add to Beth rebuttal. "Who's she gonna pass it down to? Alba?" Ruby says sarcastically gaining a dramatic 'ha' from me. "Or her only one quarter Mexican grandchildren?" "Holy mother." Annie exclaims.

The three of us look at Annie. "What?" Ruby says curiously. She turns the laptop to us. "Hans is up to eight G's!" My eyes wide in shock. "What?" "Shut the front door." I grab the laptop and check. "You beautiful son of a bitch." I say proudly. "Did you take anything else?" Beth asks.

The gangbang and his boys count the money, while we watch and wait. He steps towards us. I don't like how Hawk-Neck is looking at me."You're short." "I know. It's called genetics." I say snarkily. Annie speaks forward. "No, we're not." "Yeah, you are." He says to Annie. "Actually..." She pulls out a box. "We're over." She takes the lid off. "See, these are super rare collectibles." "Priceless." I whisper into the air. "Yes. Bestie, you are correct. That's a better word for these, because these super rare priceless creatures go for ten to fifteen Gs on eBaby." "Boom!" I fist bump Annie.

"How much legwork is there, right? But truth is, it's very little. Because we have done the lion's share of the work for you. Ruby?" She then slides a folder towards him. "These are the usernames and passwords for our eBay accounts. Plus, auction tips to maximize your profits." Ruby explains. I lean back in seat as we wait for a response.

"You want me to sell your dolls?" He says side-eyeing me. "Annie? Bring out Hans." I say giving him a smug look. "Ooh. Our little drummer boy. The pride of Hamburg." She hands him over to him. "You see, Hans here is one of only 12 in the entire-" he smashes it on the table making us scream and then throws the rest of them on the floor. He hangs his hand low as if he's trying to compose himself.

He drags a hand down his face and looks at Annie. "...eleven in the world." She says finishing her sentence. "This some kind of joke to you?" He asks. She shakes her head. He places his hands together. He raises his head. "I'm done playing with you guys." He walks over to my love seat and sits on his phone while his boys destroy my house.

I place my head in my hands as I try to think. "What are they doing?" Annie asks in fear. "Making it look like a home invasion." "So they can kill us." Beth adds. They start begging for our lives. But I can't help but look back on mine.

I used to run the streets so much I made a name for myself. I'm technological genius. I'm an about to a fucking mom. There's no fucking way I'm dying in a 'home invasion' by the hands of a gangbanger. I hear a gun click but before they put it to Beth's head I move her out the way and step in front of it. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I look at the man whilst he's mindlessly on his phone.

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