#181: A Violent Encounter

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Following Sarah's orders, Gustavo viciously stabs Gloria, leaving her badly hurt and bleeding. The attack is swift and brutal, demonstrating his ruthless loyalty to Sarah's command. Gloria, caught off guard, fights to stay conscious as pain surges through her body.

In the aftermath of the assault, Gloria struggles to understand what just happened. The realization that Sarah orchestrated this cruel act deepens her resolve to survive. As her vision fades, Gloria clings to the hope that help will come in time to save her life.

Meanwhile, Gustavo relishes the chaos he has caused, feeling empowered by his violent actions. He knows he has furthered Sarah's goals and feels secure in his position. However, the aftermath of his actions may have consequences that neither he nor Sarah anticipated.

The Witch's Daughter [Summarized Version] (By Jeff Anthony Lovete & A.I)Where stories live. Discover now