Quite A Failed Chapter

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Zayn’s POV

I was walking down an icy path that led to… well I don’t really know what it led to right now but whatever. I was walking down an icy path. The clouds were dark, and snow was falling like fans when they see me *looks at directioners, smiles, and winks* *directioners worldwide swoon and faint* It was freezing! It felt like I was in my boxers! Actually… I quickly looked down and saw that I was only wearing boxers… WAIT?! WHAT?!

My eyes shot open and I looked around me… Where was I?! Blinking the sleep out of my eyes, I focused on my surroundings… was I on the top of the bus?! Getting up, I quickly tried to open the door that led back into the bus. Locked. They locked me out. My own girlfriend let them lock me out… unless…

"Perrie," I screamed at the top of my lungs. I heard a muffled sound… they didn’t get Perrie too… did they? Panicking, I looked around for an escape route. I eyed the rope in the corner of the roof. Running over, I grabbed the rope and tied one end onto the of the rail, then I slowly climbed on top of the rail, hoping for the best, I began to inch myself down the bus. I probably only got three feet down *all directioners roll eyes at obvious lie because Zayn’s barely off of the railing* when the trap door opened.

"See, I told you guys he would try something stupid," Rain said eyeing me irritably. Ignoring what she did to me yesterday, I jumped back onto the roof, hugged her, and ran inside, into the warmth.


Perrie’s POV

I woke up nice and early, only to find out that I fell off of my bed while I was sleeping. -_- Yawning, I got up and sat at the table waiting for food, and sure enough, I got it less than five minutes later. Thanking Jo, I lazily dumped syrup onto my pancakes. Suddenly I heard footsteps on the roof… OH! RIGHT! ZAYN! Oops… After a good minute or so, I heard Zayn yelling my name. He probably thought they had locked me up somewhere too. I put my hand up to my mouth to muffle my laughter.

After a few moments of Zayn screeching my name in panic, I heard his heavy footsteps traveling across the roof. Then I heard something being thrown off of the side of the bus… He didn’t jump did he?! Nah… he wouldn’t do that…One by one, the rest of the guys and girls came, and we continued to eat breakfast.

"What do you think Zayn’s doing," Liam asked; concern evident in his voice. While we pondered upon his question, Rain walked into the room holding a clipboard and a pen. She looked around the room, and checked off some things on the piece of paper. "Hey… Where’s up direction," she asked.

Wait… what did she say? "Who?" I asked confusedly. "Um…" Rain said while thinking, "dark hair, brown eyes- where is he,"

"You mean Zayn?" I asked her. She nodded; I smirked and pointed up to the roof. Sighing, she walked over to the door, "I bet you he’s doing something stupid now, she muttered under her breath, loud enough for all of us to hear. Letting out another heavy sigh, she poked her head through the door and sighed yet again. "See, I told you guys he would try something stupid," she said irritably.

I heard footsteps going in Rain’s direction, and then I saw him. He hugged Rain- her response was shuddering- and then ran into the bus.

Oh that child… I worry about him… He walked in and looked around frantically, finally, after about twenty seconds of Zayn close to getting whiplash, Liam staring at him groggily, Niall eating breakfast, Eleanor and Danielle walked into the room, Annie poking Rain, Rain glaring at the wall with clenched fists, Jo and Crystal having a staring contest, and Harry and Louis feeding each other… cereal -_- *all directioners pull out iPods and snap pictures of the Larry Stylinson moment just to prove to all of the non-believers that they exist* I swear… these two are not doing anything to disprove the theories… anyways… After twenty seconds of that, Zayn’s eyes finally zeroed in on me. First his eyes flashed with relief? Then, his eyes narrowed and he became angry. Bipolar much?

"You’re not tied up?!" Zayn said exasperatedly. We all gave him weird looks because let’s face it; that’s weird, even for Zayn. I took this opportunity to walk up to him and put my hand to his forehead. Nope, no fever…

I pulled back my hand. "Noooooo, I’m not tied up, I told him slowly as I hopped around, showing him that I wasn’t tied up. Glaring at me, he crossed his arms and pouted.

"Does that mean you let them throw me up on top of the roof while I was sleeping?" Nodding, I let out a smirk. I quickly tried to hide it, but the damage was done. Zayn stormed up to his room, stomping each time turned back around, stomped back down, got a plate, and grabbed breakfast. "I forgot food," he muttered while heading towards his room.

Once he was out of our sights, we started to laugh. "I can still hear you, you know," said Zayn’s irritated voice from the boys’ room. Cracking up, we all continued eating.

Harry’s POV

As Louis was shoving spoons of cereal into my face, I tried attacking his face with my spoon… so in other words, it was a complete Larry moment… (A/N: Sorry if you guys don’t ship Larry, it’s just that my friend does and so basically, I think it’s a bromance, bear with me!) We've been having so many Larry moments in the past couple of days...

Yesterday, after our game of truth or dare, I was too tired to walk to my bed, so Louis took it upon himself to tuck me in... But today... today was definately the worst. I went to go wake up Louis, well, actually, I wanted to scare him, so I crept into his room and creeped towards his sleeping figure. When I was at the edge of his bed, a voice whispered in my ear, "you need any help?" I let out a scream, and jumped on top of Louis... in a... compromising... position. I was straddling Louis's torso, and in that moment, the Niall and Liam decided to wake up. Jamie peered in, shook his head, and fell asleep on the floor. Jo, the person who whispered in my ear fell to the ground laughing, and the rest of the girls, including Emma woke up and ran in through the door, which means they all got front row tickets to see me straddle Louis. Louis just woke up and smirked up at me. While wiggling his eyebrows, he looked up at me and said, "Harry, I know you love me and all, but isn't it a little too early?" It was safe to say that I was just about as red as a firetruck... Unfortunately, Emma also saw this... and... yeah...

I am determined to not have anymore Larry Stylinson moments for the rest of this trip, but we all know that's not going to happen, so lets try one week... I feel like Louis is trying to embarrass me more and more just because he knows I like Emma; great friend, isn't he? That's fine, I'll get him back some other time...

Today, we're going to watch Evil Dead. It's supposed to be completely scar nd the rest were spread out all over the room.

I quickly put in the movie, and plopped down in between Louis and Emma; Jamie was on the other side of her. I put in the movie, and waited for the gory scenes...

Basically, by the middle of the movie, Jamie was holding onto Emma, and Louis was on my lap... So in other words... the plan was a complete fail -_-


A/N: So... basically... I left you guys for a while... Sorry! I didn't mean too! I luv you all so much and I've got so many new greaders! You have no idea how happy I am that you guys like my story! I feel the need to tell you what I've been doing for so long... Well, I have been reading a TON of werewolf stories on Wattpad (: Also, as some of you know, I just had to finish a graduation research project, and I'm so worried, because I don't know how I've done >.< BUT, my teacher also assigned a group project and I'm in a group with Nush, and someone I don't really enjoy the company of -_- so I don't really know when my next update will be, but I am NOT giving up on this story; I'm just going to be updating slower... but I'll just be writing in bits, by the way, @1d_fanficsxxx TOLD YOU I'D UPDATE! Anyways, BYE NINJA CHICKS! Oh, and this chapter is dedicated to one of my new Wattpad friends: @MKLawson he's so adorable xD check out his stories, but watch out, he wants Niall... ADIOS CHICA NINJAS! TIE HIM UP BEFORE HE GETS TO NIALL! RUN! RUN! RUN!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2013 ⏰

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