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Beyonce's POV

Today is one of those busy Wednesdays where I've got a million errands to run, but first—coffee. I pull into my favorite little spot, the sun warming my skin as I step out of the car. The familiar aroma of roasted beans greets me as soon as I walk in, wrapping around me like a cozy blanket.

"Hi there! What can I get started for you?" the barista asks, and I can't help but smile.

"A caramel latte, please," I reply, already envisioning that first warm sip. I step to the side and let my mind wander while I wait.

My eyes drift around the room, landing on a painting hanging on the wall to my left. It's vibrant, filled with colors that seem to dance together. I remember Kelly raving about a piece she bought from an anonymous seller, one that left her feeling inspired. Could this be it? I get up, drawn to the canvas, and as I look closer, I spot a small signature in the corner: "OTM."

Who could that be? I ponder, a sense of curiosity bubbling inside me. It feels like a mystery waiting to be unraveled, and I mentally note to ask Kelly later.

Just then, the barista calls my name, breaking my train of thought. I grab my latte, savoring the warm cup in my hands. As I step outside, I take a moment to breathe in the fresh air, feeling grounded before diving back into my day.

I slide into the driver's seat and reach for my phone. It's time to let some music fill the space. I queue up Kirk Franklin's "He Reigns," and as the first notes hit, I can't help but sing along.

"He reigns! Forever and ever!"

My voice fills the car, a sweet release as I lose myself in the rhythm. The worries of the day fade away, replaced by the uplifting power of the music. Each lyric resonates deeply within me, reminding me of my strength and the beauty in life's ups and downs.

As I drive, I let the melodies guide my thoughts back to that painting, to the mystery of "OTM." It feels like a little spark of inspiration, and I can't wait to explore it further.

With every chorus, I sing a little louder, feeling the joy swell in my heart. This is the moment—errands can wait; today is about finding beauty in the unexpected.

As I pull into the grocery store parking lot, the weight of my errands presses against me. I can feel the warmth of my caramel latte in my hand, and it gives me a little boost as I step out of the car. I take a deep breath, ready to tackle the list in my mind.

Walking towards the entrance, I notice a woman sitting on the ground, an African American mother with a sweet-looking girl beside her, maybe eight years old. They're bundled up, and my heart tugs at the sight. I pause for a moment, watching as they share a small snack, their bond evident despite the circumstances.

Something stirs within me—a nudge I know all too well. I reach into my purse, pulling out a crisp hundred-dollar bill. I kneel down beside them, holding out the money. "Excuse me," I say softly. "I just wanted to help a little today."

The woman looks up, her eyes wide with gratitude. "Oh, thank you so much!" she exclaims, her voice trembling.

Before I leave, I ask if I can pray with her. We clasp hands, and I feel a sense of unity wash over us as I offer up a few words, hoping to bring her some comfort and strength. When I finish, I can see tears in her eyes, but her smile is brighter than ever.

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