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Beyonce's POV

The soft glow of the alarm clock pulls me from sleep, and I blink away the remnants of dreams that feel too far away to grasp. It's 6:00 AM, and the world is still quiet, a gentle hush wrapping around my thoughts. I stretch out, feeling the warmth of the blankets, but I know it's time to rise.

I slide out of bed, my feet touching the cool floor, grounding me. I make my way to my favorite spot by the window, where the first light of dawn spills in. I close my eyes, bow my head, and take a deep breath. "Dear God," I whisper, letting my heart open. I pray for strength and clarity, for my family and friends, that they feel your love surrounding them today. I ask for guidance in my work, for inspiration to flow like a river. Gratitude washes over me, filling every corner of my spirit.

With the prayer still echoing in my mind, I head to the restroom, splashing cool water on my face. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror—just me, no glam, just the woman behind the music. I reach for my skincare products, the familiar scents of rose and aloe soothing me as I apply them, feeling the nourishment soak in. Each step of the routine feels like a ritual, a moment to reconnect with myself.

Once my skin is prepped, I turn to my hair, fingers moving through my natural curls. I love the way they bounce and twist, the texture a reflection of my journey. I let them fall freely, embracing the wild beauty that is uniquely mine. It's like a crown, a reminder of who I am beneath it all.

I take a step back, looking at the woman in the mirror again—strong, beautiful, ready for whatever the day brings. The sun is climbing higher now, and I can feel the energy building. It's Monday, a fresh start, and I'm ready to make it count.

I take a moment to just breathe, feeling the energy of the day starting to pulse around me. My heart is steady, and as I look outside, I can see the world waking up—birds chirping, cars starting to roll down the street. It's a reminder of all the possibilities ahead.

I grab my phone from the counter, scrolling through messages. The group chat with my family lights up, and I smile at the little exchanges—plans for the week, reminders of love, inside jokes that make me laugh out loud. Each message feels like a thread tying us closer together, and I respond quickly, my fingers flying over the screen.

Once I'm done, I head to the kitchen. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, wrapping around me like a hug. I pour a cup, letting the warmth seep into my hands. I take a sip, savoring the rich taste—it's the little things that fuel my day. I set the cup down and grab a piece of fruit, mindful of nourishing my body for the hours ahead.

I step outside onto the porch, the air crisp and fresh, a gentle breeze rustling the leaves around me. I settle into a chair, soaking in the sounds of the world waking up—the distant laughter of children, the hum of a lawnmower starting up, the soft chirping of birds. It feels peaceful here, like a moment suspended in time.

As I sip my coffee, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out, grinning when I see Kelly's name lighting up the screen. I answer with a bright, "Good morning, Kel!"

"Hey, Bey! Good morning!" she chirps back, her voice instantly warming my heart. "How are you?"

"I'm feeling blessed this morning, thanks to our Almighty God," I reply, a smile spreading across my face.

"I know that's right!" she laughs, and I can't help but chuckle along with her. Her laughter is infectious, a melody I've always cherished.

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