Chapter 5: A Day of Resolution

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The sun streamed through the delicate curtains, illuminating the lavish furnishings of my new life, yet I felt utterly drained. After the whirlwind of last night's ball, I had to admit defeat—attending high-society events was officially exhausting. I sprawled on the plush chaise lounge, recalling the endless rounds of pleasantries and forced smiles I had endured.

"Last ball," I muttered to myself, feeling a sense of liberation in my decision. I had agreed to attend only because Lucian and Agatha were genuinely worried about me, but now, after the spectacle of the evening, I was ready to take a stand. I wasn't scared of high society. I was just tired of pretending to be someone I wasn't.

The rumors that were swirling around me—about my conversation and dance with Marquis Remiel—were the last thing I wanted to deal with. I shook my head, chuckling at how quickly news spread. It seemed everyone had an opinion about my dance partner, especially since I'd learned he was a nephew of the emperor himself. Of course, it made perfect sense why those gossipy matrons were buzzing like bees around honey last night.

"Not getting entangled with him," I vowed quietly, my mind racing with all I had heard about his reputation.  It's probably for the best that our paths wouldn't cross again. I had enough drama in my life without adding a notorious marquis into the mix.

I sighed, leaning back against the cushions, and closed my eyes, determined to enjoy this rare moment of peace. Perhaps I could fill my day with books or take a stroll through the gardens—anything to recharge my spirit after the exhausting events of the previous night.

Just as I was settling into the calm, a knock on the door interrupted my tranquility. Lucian and Agatha entered, their faces bright with urgency.

"Lady Elowen!" Lucian exclaimed, his brow furrowing. "There's someone who wants to talk to you."

"Is it the royal family? Because I'm not ready to face my destiny just yet," I joked, sitting up.

Agatha rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile. "No, it's not the royal family. It's Seraphine."

My heart sank at the mention of my former best friend. I'm not sure what to expect from her now. "What does she want?"

"Honestly? No idea. But she seems... urgent," Lucian replied, looking at me with a mix of concern and curiosity.

"Fine, let her in," I said, steeling myself. I might not feel pity for her—after all, I am not the original Elowen—but I wanted to hear what she had to say, if only to ensure there were no loose ends.

Moments later, Seraphine entered, her usual confidence replaced with a slightly nervous energy. She wore a modest but elegant dress, the kind that was unassuming yet still stylish. I felt a flicker of recognition and sadness at the sight of her, but that sentiment quickly faded. I had no space for nostalgia. And I am not even the real Elowen. So, she's a stranger to me. In fact, everybody is a stranger to me.

"Elowen," she began, her voice wavering slightly. "I know things have been... complicated between us."

"Complicated? That's one way to put it," I replied, crossing my arms defensively. "What do you want, Seraphine?"

"I came to apologize," she said, her eyes earnest. "For everything. For the engagement, for my choices, and for not being there for you when you needed me."

I narrowed my eyes, not feeling the slightest tug of empathy. "You made your choices, and they affected me deeply. You ran off with my fiancé. Do you really expect me to just forgive and forget?"

"I know," she interrupted, desperation creeping into her tone. "But I want to explain. I never intended for things to go that way. I felt cornered, and it all spiraled out of control. I never wanted to hurt you, Elowen."

"I don't want to hear your excuses," I said, my voice steady. "This isn't about misunderstanding. It's about betrayal. You chose him over our friendship. I'm not interested in rekindling anything."

Her expression faltered, confusion mingling with hurt. "But we've been friends for so long..."

"Not anymore," I stated, firm in my resolve. "This isn't a fairy tale. This is reality. I have no obligation to maintain a friendship that no longer exists."

"Please, just listen—"

"I've heard enough," I cut her off, feeling a sense of empowerment surge within me. "I don't want you in my life anymore. You're no longer welcome here."

The finality of my words hung in the air like a storm cloud, and for a moment, Seraphine looked as if I had struck her. "Elowen, I—"

"No," I said, raising a hand. "This isn't up for discussion. You made your choice. I'm moving on, and you should too. We're done."

Her shoulders slumped as she realized the truth in my words. "I didn't mean to hurt you," she said softly, but there was no pity in my heart for her. The most pitiful here is the real Elowen.

"Intentions don't matter if the result is the same," I replied, my tone unyielding. "Goodbye, Seraphine."

I turned away, leaving her standing there in silence. I could feel the weight of the past lift, leaving space for something new. As I walked toward the window, I glanced outside at the beautiful gardens, feeling a sense of clarity wash over me.

Once I had made my choice, I was determined to embrace this new life, free of old ties and expectations. Seraphine had been a part of someone else's story, not mine, and it was time to write my own narrative—one filled with independence and strength.

The sun shone brightly outside, a symbol of fresh beginnings. Today, I was reclaiming my future, one choice at a time.

"Lady Elowen, you received a letter from Marquis Montrose", Agatha suddenly interrupted my mini-moment here. She passed me the letter with the Montrose emblem.

Fresh beginnings my ass. I just created a new mess.

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