chapter 2

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Ok so apparently no one commented on my last chapter maybe because no one likes this story or no one likes my stories at all but, I don't care I'm still going to continue you can read it if you like if you don't then don't I don't care anymore so here we go.....


Laura's Pov

Me and Aimee and Taylor arrived at the doc were all the boats are, we were planing on going to mako island, but one slightly problem we don't have a way to get there.

"now that dragged us all the way over here and made us skipped the last 2 periods of class...wait I just realised I skipped 2 classes... I have to go back" Aimee says turning back around

"Aimee schools over you can't go back, now let's focus on how to get to mako island" Taylor says grabbing Aimee's hand and dragging her back

"You dragged us all the way over here, made me skip my 2 classes and oh that I mention I SKIPPED 2 CLASSES! I have never in my life skipped my classes and now were here with no way of going to mako island do you have a plan for us genius "Aimee says frustrated

"Actually I do" Taylor reply's back and walking to a speed boat

"Taylor what are you doing that's not ours we can't take that" Laura says confused

"Oh would you two just relax I got this under control" Taylor reply's back rolling her eyes

"Taylor I know your used to doing things your way but when you do bad stuff theirs consecuations to what you do" Aimee responded back

"Oh bo ho, who cares take a risk Aimee stop being a Buzz kill, c'mon get in here and just relax I got this" Taylor says chuckling

"Aimee and Laura glance each other and then Laura jumps in the speed boat"

"Way to go Laura....Aimee?" Taylor asks looking at Aimee with pleading eyes"

"I'm so gonna regret this" Aimee says jumping into the boat


Taylor's Pov

I was taking the girls to mako island when all of a sudden the boat made this weird noise like it was dying and stoped, oh great were out of gas and mako island is right in front of us, great I won't hear the end of this one by Aimee

"What happen" Aimee says with a panic voice

"Were out of gas aren't we" Laura says stating the obvious

"Yup" I reply back

"What your telling me were stranded in the middle of the ocean with no gas and no way back" Aimee says panicking

"Relax we could..." I starred saying but Aimee cut me off

"Relax? If you haven't noticed were stranded in the middle of the ocean with no gas and no way out how can we relax" Aimee yells

"We could always row ourselves over to mako island" I reply

"Great idea" Aimee says sarcastically

"Hey it's our only way out" I say frustrated

"Yeah you wanna get out right aimee, it's our only way out" Laura reply's back

"Fine" Aimee says frustrated


Aimee's Pov

Finally we arrived at mako island but were lost, genius over *cough* Taylor *cough* wanted to explore more and now we lost our way back

"Taylor were lost, what now?." Laura reply's back scared

"Yeah what's your big plan now genius" I say to Taylor

"Guys please stop fighting we need to find our way out of here" Laura reply's back frustrated

"Ugh you know what I'm going to see if I could find any cell service out here to call for help" I say taking out my phone And walking around

After a minute or so Taylor yells out

"Hey guys I think I found a way out, over here...c'mon jump" she says jumping over the ledge of the rock to the other rock

I jump over the other rock and wait for Laura,

"Laura c'mon we have to go" I say

"Mm it's too slippery, there has to be another way out" Laura reply's shaking her head

"Laura c'mon you have to jump" Taylor reply's back

"Maybe if I just step on this  here..."Laura says

"All of a sudden Laura screams and fall into a hole that leads into somewhere"

"LAURA" both me and Taylor yell out


What happened to Laura?

Well hope you liked next chapter cooming!

Again please comment but I dout it that someone will comment


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