Chapter 4

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Thank you all for the sweet and funny comments, your sweet and funny comments make me wanna keep writing,


"What's happening" Aimee asked
"Wow" Laura said with a scared face

"Creepy" Taylor said looking up the volcano

After the full moon passed the volcano the girls swam under the water and escaped


The next day

Taylor's pov

Well I got busted yesterday for coming late and lying to my parents...what you wanted me tell the truth to my parents? Ha your funny, so anyways all I can do is go to school and come back that's my only freedom now yay!(note sarcasm), anyways I was walking home from school and I walked threw the grass when all of the sudden the sprinklers started to start and I felt one drop of water land on my hand, and that's when I felt like a hundreds of bubbles over my bodie and the next thing I know I'm on the grass floor with a tail?



Yesterday was so dangerous what if we were stuck there forever, but lucky we got out. today I did the same routine I do every morning eat breakfast then take my swim in my pool but today it was different when I enter the pool I grew a tail, what is happening to me, how did this happen?



"Laura hurry up your not the one one taking a shower" Lauren screamed from the other side of the door

Lauren is my little sister she's 16 she's obnoxious and just like your normal average annoying little sister

"Laura are you there? Hurry up" Lauren yelled

I couldn't respond to my sister I can't believe what I'm seeing, is this a dream? I have a tail, right now I'm in my bathtub with a long tail I'm dreaming right? This can't be happening!


Hey guys again sorry its short im busy with school and I'm packing because me and my sis and her husband are going to Yosemite *anybody have been there?* anyways I'm staying there for 3 days and cooming back on Monday, alright byee!!!! Comments what you think is happening to the girls


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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