Chapter 3

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This is the inside of the cave that Laura fell into)

Laura's Pov

What the I fell into a weird looking under cave I started looking everywhere until Aimee called after me...

"LAURA CAN YOU HEAR ME?" Aimee yelled from the top

"Yeah I can hear you" I responded back to Aimee

"Can you get back up" Taylor asked

"" I said as I tried to get up

"Are you sure" Aimee asked

"Yeah I can't get up my ankle hurts" I said


Aimee's Pov

Since Laura can't get up I'll have to go in and get her,

"I have to go down there and get her" I said

"What are you crazy that dosent make sense" Taylor replied back

I ignored Taylor and I slowly got down there until I slipt and rolled down to the bottom with me screaming and landing right next to Laura

"Laura are you ok?" I asked

"I'm alright my foot just hurts" Laura responded back

"Its probably just swollen don't worry" I told her all of a sudden Taylor came rolling down next to us just like I did

"What are you doing here I asked Taylor mad and frustrated

"Well you came down here" Taylor said

"You were ment to stay up there and throw a rope at us or something" I said throwing my hands up in the air frustrated

"What am I a mind reader and what rope?" Taylor replied back sarcastically

"Shouldn't we concentrate in getting out of here?" Laura asked

"Yup" Aimee replied


Taylor's Pov

After we all stood up we started walking until we found this cool looking hot tub(the image is at the top)

"Look in the pool there a tunnel" Aimee said taking off her shoes

"What are you gonna do?" I asked her

"When I was little I was in a competitive swimming class I can hold my breath, so I'm going to see were that tunnel leads to...I'll be back" she replied back jumping onto the pool and swimming away

"Its been more than a minute were is she? Aimee!? Aimee!? Laura asked worried while pacing back and forth

"Give her a minute" I told her, all of a sudden Aimee came back up gasping for air,

"I was right the tunnel leads to the ocean, c'mon guys we all can fit let's get out of here" Aimee responded

"In way" Laura responded

"C'mon Laura it's the only way out you can do it" I said as I took off my shoes and joined Aimee in the pool with her

"No I can't its impossible besides I can't even swim" Laura said disappointetly

"C'mon take my hand you can do it" I said reaching my hand over to her for her to grab

"Alright" Laura said reaching her hand and grabbing mine and jumping in, all of the sudden the full moon ellumenated on top of us and bubble started to fly up on top of us

"What's happening?" Aimee asked


Wow what happend to the girls? Comment what u think happend

Until next time

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Sorry if I spelled anything wrong I got myself fake nails an it's my first Time using them so it's kinda hard to do anything really especially in a phone


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