18: Day in Day out

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(Wow this chapter got long)

"Holy fuck."

Marcie was just as shocked to see May's home because she didn't scold Nico for his language. Was it even a home? It looked like a palace. Tommy wasn't kidding when he said May had plenty of space to spare.

Despite this, it didn't help Marcie's nerves. This was another big change she was subjecting herself and the twins to.

At least they'd be somewhere with fresh air and open spaces.

"Are we really living here?" Patrizio asked in awe.

"Yes, so you both need to be on your best behavior," Marcie instructed. "Miss Carleton has been nice to welcome us, and she's offered you both a chance at a better life. I suggest you take the opportunity."

They both nodded.

Tommy hadn't driven with them to May's. Marcie couldn't even bring herself to say goodbye to him again. Instead, she packed her things and ducked into the car. It was better that way.

The car pulled up to the front entrance where May was waiting. She smiled when Marcie and the boys stepped out. "Welcome, I hope the drive wasn't too far."

"Not at all. It was a beautiful drive. I haven't been out in the country in a long time." If ever, Marcie wasn't sure. But she'd certainly never seen anything like May's property.

"Well, come in. Make yourselves at home." May ushered them inside.

Marcie tried not to gawk, but the twins didn't bother. Their eyes were wide as they looked around. May led them right upstairs. "I thought you boys might want to have rooms next to each other?" She showed them to two doors.

Marcie followed Nico into his room. She was shocked to see it was nearly the size of the Potenza's entire apartment.

"Marcie, you'll be just further down the hall." May gestured for her to follow.

She left the twins to soak in their new living situation, Marcie would need a minute for that as well. "Miss Carleton, I hope I don't sound ungrateful, but can I ask why you're letting us stay?"

"You don't sound ungrateful at all, and please call me May." She smiled and opened another door toward the end of the wing. "I'll be honest, I was skeptical when Tommy asked for my assistance."

Marcie stepped into the room and felt tears prick her eyes. It was the same size as Nico's room with a massive bed, ensuite bathroom, and plenty of room to spare. The large windows, framed by sage green curtains, overlooked the back gardens and lawns. Further back were the horse pastures.

"But he told me a bit about your situation," May continued. She ducked her head into the bathroom to make sure it was well-stocked with towels. Then she went into one of the armoires and found an extra blanket to lay at the foot of the bed. "You seemed nice in the brief time we met at the auction house." She smiled sheepishly. "And you can imagine how lonely I get all alone in this ridiculous house."

It lifted Marcie's heart a bit. May was doing so much for them; it was good their presence was offering something in return. Even if it was just providing comfort to a widow. "Well, you've just been lovely already. If there's anything I can do, really anything, I'd be happy to help."

May waved a hand. "Don't even mention it. Most of my day is occupied with the training business."

Marcie suddenly felt listless. What was she meant to do in a big place like this in the countryside? She expected to work the rest of her life as a seamstress. In Small Heath, most of her time was tied up with Tommy's explosive life.

The Tailor's Daughter - Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now