"movie night but...?" Chapter 13

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after training, bee blade and tommy went to watch a movie in the living room. it was quite late around 10pm so tommy and tubbo were laying on the couch and techno had gotten bored of the movie so he went to clean and take this important call??? no clue. theseus and bee were slowly drifting into sleep while blade was upstairs on a phone call cleaning nobody could really make out what blade was saying because bee was too tired theseus overall has shit hearing,

they fell asleep and the next morning came theseus woke up first going to look for blade but couldn't find him anywhere maybe he was at the doctors again. He's been going to the doctors a lot more lately. Well it's a bit more different though because of the war. get a doctors appointment if it's something serious. so that kind of worried theseus.. theseus decided to help himself to blades food I mean they're basically brothers at this point to his surprise wilbur was in the room

" Wilbur?" theseus questioned it was the last thing he expected to see well but also the most expected thing considering this whole family dynamic.

" hello Tommy or should I say theseus?" paused. " are you gonna tell me you had a code name?" wilbur smiled proudly

"you too gold" theseus smirked for knowing his

" well guess you're gonna be calling me that for awhile then" gold stared smirkng

" yeah, you bet you're fucking arse I am"

"language boys." philzas voice spoke.

"DAD-?" theseus yell caught offguard.
" why the fuck is literally everyone here?"

" well, we've decided to go ahead with a secret plan and close down the school so the villains can't find us we had to sneak every student out one by one at three in the morning" philza mumbled.

wilbur gave Tommy a glare
"tommy can we talk."

" yeah sure big man, what is it?"

Wilbur guided Tommy outside

" listen Phil can't know that we the villains as well and somewhat way" wilbur spoke
" so when tubbo wakes up, explain that to him blade already knows"

tommy nodded as they saw blade approaching

"TECHNOOOO!" Tommy yelled running to him, giving him a hug being returned with a hard shove away
" don't fucking touch me."

Blade would be distant and angry every time he got back from the doctors... tommy wondered why

" right yeah sorry.."
Tommy stuttered
" can we do what we always do? Can I braid your hair?"

tommy asked slightly happier

blade mumbled.

tommy was

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