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Andrea's P.O.V
Ugh why did people invent alarm clocks. I reach over still laying on my stomach and turn the stupid thing off. I don't want to wake up and go to school today. It's the first day of my senior year and I'm in a new state. My family lived in North Carolina since I was born but my dad got a job promotion so we moved here, to California. But let me tell you, we're not a normal family. We may look like one but we're not. My mom and dad have been happily married for 18 years and have me and my twin brother, Aiden. But what most people don't know is that we're werewolves. Yeah, crazy. I know.

Suddenly my door opens and my brother walks in. "Hey wake up princess. It's time to get ready." He says as he sits on my bed and strokes my hair. Me and my brother are really close and we always have been but now that we moved we are closer then ever before."But I don't want to. I won't know anyone and I'm tired."
"I know sis but if you want to get into dance, art, or music school for college then you need to go to school. Come on princess."
"Ugh. Fine. But will you make me breakfast?"
"Of course I will." he kissed my forehead and walks out the room closing the door behind him.

I go into my walk in closet and grab two towels and a black bra and matching underwear. I make my way to my bathroom connected to my room and took a 20 minute shower. Since I was done I got out and wrapped a towel around my hair and dried my body with the other one and then put it in the dirty clothes hamper and slid on my underwear and bra. I walked into my room and back to my closet. I find my favorite pair of black skinny jeans and slide them on adding a black cami. I pull on my jean colored shirt and go back to the bathroom. I apply a thin layer of black eyeliner to the top and bottom of my eyes and mascara to my top lashes. I add a little bit of nude lipstick and grab my heart necklace and put it around my neck. Last night I had painted my nails a sparkling silver even though I don't really like sparkles. I slightly curl my brown-blond hair that is brown at the top but blonde at the bottom. Going back into my room I pull on my brown combat boots and a dark grey beanie before grabbing my backpack and heading downstairs. (Outfit is the picture at the top of the chapter)

I walk into the kitchen smelling delicious food and see my brother. I can totally see why girls chase after him because he's hot. He's wearing a pair of dark wash jeans that hang low in his waist with a white T-shirt that lets you see his 8 pack. His outfit is paired with his black leather jacket, white Adidas, and a black beanie. If he wasn't my brother I would totally date him.

"Hey sis," he says as I sit at the kitchen island and he slides a plate of scrambled eggs, a piece of toast, and glass of orange. He sits next to me with the same thing.
"BTW you look great, Aiden."
"Thanks sis. You look amazing as always too, Andrea."
"Thanks ."

After that we were quite while we finished our food and put our dishes in the sink. "Are we taking your baby?" Aiden asks me.
"Yeah. I'm driving." He throws me my keys and we walk out to my car. It's a 'Black 2014 Chevy Corvette Stingray ' and it's my dream car. My parents bought it for my 16th birthday present and I love it.


Our new school is a werewolf only school. We arrive at the school that is 10 minutes from our house and find a parking spot. I parked close to the front and the only problem is that there are a lot of guys near us. As we got out I got a couple wolf whistles and complements on my car. Aiden and I walk In and go to the office grabbing our schedules and comparing them. School here started a month ago so we are a little behind but that's okay. We have four classes together one being our first class which is Advanced English.

We walk in and assigned seats are posted on the front board. The seats are in groups of two and my seat is in the back row next to the window. A girl with pretty long blonde hair and green eyes comes in and starts walking towards my seat. She is probably 5'4". "Yay! I finally have a table partner!" She seems very energetic and outgoing. Nothing like me. I'm very quiet and shy. "Oh! My bad. I'm Samantha Grace."
"Um hi. I'm Andrea Johnson."i replied quietly.

The bell rings signaling the begging of class so she sat in the chair next to me and was quiet. The class is going so slowly so I look around the room. Aiden was sitting at the front and him and his partners seats are next to the door. The seat closets to the door was empty meaning that his partner wasn't here. The bell rings and I leave for my next class. The day goes by slowly and finally the bell signaling the end of school rings.

I walk out of my last class and to me and my brothers lockers where my brother is standing and we put our stuff that we don't need away and head out to the car. We get in and drive home.


We get home and our parents aren't home yet so we are here alone. "Hey Aiden, mom and dad told me about this dance studio close by and said I could go after school so I'm going to go. If you need anything just call."
"Okay. Bye sis. Be safe."


I go in and up to the front desk. "Hello, my name is Andrea and I was wondering if you had an open room for me to practice in."
"Of course sweetheart." she said. "I'm Jennifer and I'll show you where to go."

She took me down some halls and in front of a door that read 'Studio B'. "Here you go. We close at 10 tonight so you have until then."
"Okay. Thank you."
"You're welcome."


I change into a pair of black shorts and a tank top and then start dancing. A little bit after I start dancing I here someone come in and they smell so good. They smell like chocolate and heaven. But I love to dance so I continue to dance. (Her dance is the video at the beginning of the chapter).

The song ends and I strike my last pose then stand up. I look at the door and there is a boy that's probably my age with the deepest dark blue eyed that you could be totally mesmerized by and brown shaggy hair that is kinda messy. He has a strong jawline and cheek bones. He is wearing a pair of black pants that hang low on his waist with a chain on one side. He has on a tight grey shirt showing off his 8 pack and is wearing a leather jacket and a pair of black Adidas. He is mouth watering. My wolf lily starts yelling at me 'He's your mate. He's your mate. Oh my gosh. He is so gorgeous.' 'Shut up. I know, he's perfect.'
"Hey," he says.
"I'm Dylan Grace."
"I'm Andrea Johnson. Oh and your sister is cool."
"So is your brother."
Just then Aiden mind calls me. 'Andrea.'
"Just a minute Dylan." 'Yes Aiden.' 'where are you?'
'I'm still at the dance studio. Why?' 'Mom wants you home. It's almost time for dinner. And guess what?'
'Okay I'll leave soon. And what?'
'I found my mate!'
'What no way. Who is she?'
'Her name is Samantha Grace.' 'Really?!'
'Yeah. Why?'
'Cuz I found my mate too.'
'Who is it?!'
'Dylan Grace!'
'That's amazing. Well I invited Samantha over for dinner. Would you like to ask if Dylan wants to come over too?'
'Yeah. Be home soon.'

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