Zodiac Family. No Relation.

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A flame roared in the fireplace, its light lapping at the shadows along the wall. Lavender swam in the warm air, dancing and mingling with the smell of burning wood. Leaning against the brick wall beside the fireplace, a blonde tapped her foot impatiently, her arms crossed. Tap tap tap tap.

"God, hurry up Libby," she groaned. "If dad catches us in here we're-"

"Gonna be grounded for like... ever!" the younger sister joined in. 

There was a brief moment of silence as a log crackled and split. The flames bellowed, its light shining in the eyes of the younger sister, Libra, or Libby to her "siblings." She stared into the flames, her eyes fixated on them as if she was watching a show.

"I forget how creepy you look when you do that." the older sister, Gem, rolled her eyes.

"Says the horny telepath." Libby muttered. The fire crackled in agreement. her lower half was a flower of black and white pedals; the knee length dress she wore fanned out over her concealed thighs. Around her button up collar, a charm in the shape of weighing scales hung over the third button from the top. Its gold coating was the only color, besides her usual black and white dress. The dark brown irises created a pool of chocolate around her retinas.

She was dressed like a doll in Victorian apparel. The only part of her that disregarded that statement was her caramel colored skin.

Shadows stretched against the wall dancing with Libby's.

"It's definitely gonna be a guy." Libra said finally.

"A fortune teller could have told me that." Gem scoffed, then paused. Her sky blue irises glowing white a moment. "And keep your insults to yourself."

"They are to myself. You're just eavesdropping." she snapped.

"Then just tell me what I want to know, so I can leave you alone so you can go back to whatever it is you do when we're not around."

One of the candles sputtered out, its smoke swaying from side to side as its ember died out. "Hmm."

"Oh, my god he is sooo cute." Gem leapt and knelt beside her sister, staring into the flame as if she could see whatever Libra was staring at in the burning logs. "And thank god he's got good powers." she clasped her hands over her chest, interlocking her fingers tightly. She smiled from ear to ear, swaying in sync with dying candle smoke.

"Can you stop simping for a minute?" Libra groaned. "It's throwing off my reading."

Reluctantly, she did. Instead Gem leaned an arm on her sister's head. Libby furrowed her brow, seeing the futility in arguing with her sister more.

If i just tell her what she needs to know i can go back to bed, she told herself.

"That's right little sis," Gem teased, pinching her cheeks.

She froze, reading the thought of someone downstairs.

We've gotta go, sis. The copter's waiting for us.

Gem shot up, grabbing her parka from the floor and made her way to the door. Her white boots drummed on the dark wood, the loose buckle making a click-clack-click-clack-click as she dashed for the door. "Damn it, Monae, you were supposed to keep watch." she muttered to herself.

"Don't you wanna know who this other woman is?"


"I'm sure she doesn't stand a chance-"

"You're about to run into her on your mission, Gemma." Libra warned. She hadn't moved from her spot. The log popped, spitting embers at the clairvoyant. She didn't even flinch as they shit passed her

By Libra's ScalesWhere stories live. Discover now