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And just like that, Blakely Klein is back sitting in my bar drinking wine. Thankfully she's now the right age to do so. I didn't realise just how complicated this could've got until she told me. Part of me is still raging at the fact she's so young and I'm so stupid, but the other part s glad she was honest with me. 

Now I'm gonna be seeing her every damn day at the office, and although I shouldn't admit it - she's looking prettier than she did a few years back. 

"So you gonna tell me what's going on?" Sammy asks further into the evening once we have a free five minutes. Blakely's still here, drinking alone in the corner - no way is she gonna be able to drive to her dad's tonight, and no way am I letting her. I'll even give her a ride and she can get her car in the morning. 

You've already given her a ride asshole. 

"With what?" I ask innocently. 

"Blakely? You said something about ID earlier and I'm a little confused. Plus the way you guys were? It was hostile as fuck, man". 

I sigh. "You're gonna lecture me..." 

"I have no doubt that I will". 

"Ok, last time she was here I didn't check for ID. She was underage by like two months and shouldn't have been in here. But I was thinking with my dick and yeah, I screwed a girl that I reeeeeeally shouldn't have". I explain. "Go on...start yapping". 

Sammy blinks and then nods slowly. "Wow..." Is all he can get out. "That's er...that's really something..." He must see my face because he just gives me a pitiful pat on the arm. "Well, shit happens. How'd you feel now she's back? I know you were hung up on her..." 

"I wasn't 'hung up'" I defend myself. "I was just pissed off I didn't get her number before she left. But I guess that was a blessing in disguise". 

"And yet she gave you it earlier". 


"I saw the napkin she handed you". Sammy continues. 

"Because I said that if she needed help moving furniture into her cabin tomorrow then I was free, oh and I said you were too". I smirk. 

"What!" Sammy rolls his eyes. "I could be doing more important shit". 

"Like what? Taking a stock check?" I challenge, knowing he has nothing better to do with his Saturday. "Look...do me a favour, take her keys will you? She can't drive after the amount she's drank". 

Sammy snorts. "If you're so concerned then you go seize them, I've got a bar to run and now some more customers". He winks and heads back out to serve them. 

Great. I now have to go tell Blakely that I'm gonna be taking her keys. 

I go back out a few minutes later and see her now rummaging through her purse trying to find  them, then Sammy holds them up to me with a cunning look. He's managed to swipe them. He chucks them my way and I catch them, shoving them into my pocket and going over to Blakely. "Everything alright?" 

"No!" She half whines in frustration. "I can't find my damn car keys!" 

"Well perhaps that's for the best considering you're gonna be over the limit. Can't drive like that". 

She sighs. "Today's sucked so bad". 

"Well then prepare for me to make it suck even more. I'll give you a ride to your dad's". I offer. 

"I can get a cab, it's fine". 

I check my watch. "I've got time, come on". I say and signal to Sammy that I'm leaving. He just gives me a nod and watches as Blakely follows me out to my truck. 

"Remember the last time you gave me a ride? I ended up in your bed". She says as she all but throws herself into the passenger side. 

"Yep...clear as day". I reply and get into the drivers seat, starting the engine and driving out of the parking lot. Mr Klein's lodge isn't too far, it's also newly built so it's not exactly hard to miss either. 

"Sooooo, you gonna screw that pretty girl you were talking to at the bar earlier?" 

I keep my eyes on the road. "Currently have no plans to, but the night's still young". 

"And so am I...I...I honestly didn't realise you were that old back then when we fucked. But it was soooo good". 

I can't help but chuckle at her drunk talk. I also can't stay pissed off either, not when she's gonna be working at the company come Monday. "I mean...I'm not that old". 

"Old enough, why aren't you married yet?" She scrunches up her nose with a quizzical expression. 

"Just never found anyone. Anyway this place is small and everyone knows everyone. It's like a family. The only chance I probably have is with a tourist, and even then they piss me off". I admit. 

"So you've just accepted that you're gonna be forever alone?" 

"Ouch". I deadpan as I continue to drive. 

Blakely now realises what she's said. "No, no! I mean...god I don't even know what I mean anymore, my head's a little fuzzy. Forget what I said". 

I nod. "Not forever alone, but I've not really got a reason to get married. For a start I haven't found anyone, and secondly I'm busy. I've been on dates and stuff but that's it. I guess I'm just content with what I have for now, but who knows? Maybe someone will come along". 

I don't think I'm marriage material if I'm honest. People find me grumpy, and I like my privacy. Living up on Maple Point, the cabins are spaced out throughout the forest so you have the beauty of neighbours but also no one within distance of being nosey. 

Making a right turn, I head down a private road towards the large newly built lodge at the end. Pulling up, I turn to Blakely. "Here we are then". 

"Thanks...hey, if you find my keys can you let me know? I'm gonna have to get dad to take me back to my cabin tomorrow". 

I discreetly slip them into her purse while holding her gaze. "Sure. Go get some sleep - take some aspirin before bed. Might help with the headache tomorrow". 

"Thanks again", she says as she gets out and shuts the door. 

I watch her, one arm slung across the top of my steering wheel, as the door opens and her father greets her, then looking in my direction and giving me a curt nod. I do the same back to him and decide now's the best time to get outta here. 

I think I'm gonna be needing a drink or two after today as well. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30 ⏰

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