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I had to tell him. I've been feeling bad enough about leaving let alone lying to him. But he's still here.

I'd come up to take some pictures of the view for Mom. Not that she would care to see them, she's only been interested in the money from the divorce settlement that she got from dad and is currently on another holiday.

She's never really cared about me either. Never made an effort to spend time with me. To be honest neither of my parents have. This is the most time I've actually spent with my dad in years - aside from that business trip a couple of years ago. Even then I only saw him while we travelled. I've just been left to my own devices growing up, never asking for anything but getting the nicest of clothes, cars. Not even this cabin here in Maple Hollow - or the job as his secretary at the lumber company, probably in the hopes that I might actually make something of myself instead of living off his bank account for the rest of my life with nothing to show for it.

Perhaps this is my dad's way of apologising for being a shitty parent - or once again he's just buying me stuff to keep me happy. I don't really know, but all I know is that it was either I went to live with Mom, or came here.

I chose here, and also because I'd hoped to have seen Ari again.

And I have.

Part of me feels relief that I've told him everything, but the other part still holds the guilt of leaving. I want to at least try to make things right, even if he doesn't. He's right to be angry though. I lied to him. I'd be the same if it was him coming clean to me.

What if he's actually married by now? Or at least seeing someone? Maybe I didn't think this through fully, but I'm here. There's nowhere else left for me to go - at least not for a while anyway.

I drive through the forest road, catching glimpses of the cabins that inhabit Maple Point. The trees span for miles and the river runs adjacent to the area. Eventually I find the road that turns off and takes me down through the trees past a few more cabins until I turn into the driveway of the one that is now mine.


That's what it says on the mailbox as I get out and take in my surroundings.

It's so peaceful with a rustle of trees and sounds of nature. I can still hear the river in the distance. With some fairy lights outside as well as a couple of chairs, and perhaps a fire pit - I could make this place cozy enough. The keys in my hand tell me it's all mine after all.

I turn the key and open the door, seeing the place in darkness and none of my stuff actually set up. The guys at the removal firm have a lot to answer to. I immediately get them on the phone. Cell service isn't great but they tell me they got engine trouble and are waiting for the mechanic to get them back up and running again.

Great. Just my luck that all my stuff is sitting in a truck on the side of the damn highway and in here in a cold cabin with not even a box to sit on. Ok, that's a lie, I have stuff in my car but still.

I could really use a drink right now...

I can't show up at Ari's bar, not after this afternoon, but I really could go for a glass of wine or two.

Fuck it. I can't sleep here - I'll have to stay at dad's until tomorrow when they've said they'll be here. For now though, I lock up and head into town, pulling into the bar's parking lot. Walking in, I see a guy at the bar who thankfully isn't Ari.

"New face eh, what can I get you?"

"Just a wine please, and not so new - I was here a few years back. My dad's just brought the lumber company".

His mouth turns into an 'o' shape. "Mr Kelin's daughter? My friend works there, runs this bar..."

"Yeah, we've met before, Sammy isn't it?" I scrunch my nose up to try and recall his name.

"That's right"

"Blakely..." I introduce myself.

Now he realises who I am and nods. "Ah yeah - you and Ari hooked up right?"


"Erm, yeah...we did". I say awkwardly and hope he'll say no more. Thankfully he doesn't and I sit and enjoy my wine in peace, texting dad to tell him that he's gonna be having a guest staying this evening.

"How's business this evening Sam?" I hear a voice ask a while later and slowly slide down my chair in the hopes that I won't be seen.

"Usual. Got a new face over there". He replies and suddenly I can sense them both watching me.

"She remember her ID?"


Oh for crying out loud. "It's right here" I now pull it from my purse and wave it in the direction of Sammy and the newly arrived Ari.

Sammy looks from me to Ari. "I'm sensing some hostility here".

"Tell you later". Ari grunts and disappears out the back.

That's all I need, him as my enemy before I've even got settled here. He doesn't even know I'm gonna be working at the company yet, and that is best to be kept under wraps until Monday morning.

He brings out a new barrel to hook up under the bar and I come and slide onto the stool. "How many times do I have to apologise to you before you'll even look at me?" I ask.

"Depends, how much more are you hiding from me?" He replies gruffly as his strong arms manoeuvre the barrel into position.

The same arms that had themselves wrapped around my body, hands exploring every part.


"Fine, I start at the lumber company Monday - I'm dad's secretary. That's all". I shrug.

His eyes keep fixated on mine for a moment before he goes back to hooking up the barrel. "So not only are we neighbours, you're gonna be working for the company..."

"You live on Maple Point?"

"Yup, me along with a few of the guys who work for your dad". He replies.

So he's not married then. I see his ring finger is also empty that signals this.

"Oh..." I fall silent. "I just moved into Cedars - although the moving truck decided to not turn up. Engine trouble. I've gotta stay with my dad until tomorrow".

He continues working and then pours another glass of wine, pushing it across the bar to me. "You'll be needing another one of these then". I go to get my card out but he stops me, taking his own and pressing it to the contactless part. "No charge".


"If you want any help moving some furniture or something then I'm around tomorrow, so's Sammy". He now offers.

I brush it off. "Oh, it's ok- you don't have to. Anyway I'm sure you've got things to do, running the bar and stuff..."

"Only from the afternoon, we don't open during the mornings. Encourages the tourists to start drinking early and then it gets messy..." he explains.

I grab a napkin. "Got a pen?" He plucks one from his pocket. "Considering I should've done this last time, I guess it wouldn't hurt for you to have this, just incase of...neighbour things..." I trail off awkwardly and give him the napkin with my number on it.

He looks at it and then folds it up, putting it on the pocket of his jeans. "I need to see to this customer". He says and before I can even answer, he's over the other side of the bar talking to a pretty girl who is eye fucking him from the moment he asks what she wants to drink.

I doubt he'll turn up tomorrow, or even text to ask if I want help, but I guess it's a start if I want to make amends. And with him? I wanna make them a lot.

Maple Hollow (Ari Levinson AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now