Act 0 - Chapter 10

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Chapter 10; Arthur; Hemhir 57th, 329SR; 01:36

It had been hours since Arthur entered the stairwell, he was beginning to think it would go on forever. 'Why does no one know about this... Father never mentioned this massive stairwell beneath the hospital... I don't think he ever knew about it...' Arthur stopped as he noticed the stairs come to an end, there was just a dry patch of dirt after the final step. This was the bottom. A steel door directly in front of Arthur had a square panel of glass to see through, light was on the other side. 'There's working electricity down here?' Arthur peaked through the window.

"What... The..." Arthur uttered in shock, he pushed the door open slowly and walked through.

Arthur looked around in awe as he stood on a stone catwalk made of stone. 'This... How long has this been here...' The room was gigantic, lit brightly with white lights. It almost resembled a factory with how industrial it looked. Several stories of steel grated platforms were evenly spaced around the room, all supported by pillars of metal trusses. 'How big- This is like two or three city blocks?!' On the left side of the room were three hangar doors similar to the ones at Helios's shipyards, however these were significantly larger. Each door connected to a pool of water.

The pool closest to Arthur was empty, but the other two were not. Giant structures of some sort were within the other two pools. Arthur squinted at their shape as he walked down the catwalk, then looked up at the platforms above, slowly making sense of the vast surroundings. The massive pools made up more than three quarters of the room's width. 'Judging from how long I was walking down... This is miles under Helios... What is this place...' The right side was a massive walkway. Across from each hangar, was a three story structure extending out of the wall. At the second story of each, was a window that surrounded all three sides. The room was dark, but he couldn't see anyone inside from where he stood. Arthur approached the stairwell that led to the room, he stepped up the first step, but turned back to the hangar doors. He squinted at the size of the structures within the two pools.

One of the structures was oddly round. Three white pillars horizontally curved around it on the left side, there were another three on the right. There was a portable metal staircase to the left, reaching about halfway up the structure and connecting a platform to it. Arthur squinted as he noticed that the platform led to an entrance on the round structure. He looked at the structure in the third pool, it wasn't as round, and it didn't have platforms leading to its entrance. However the back seemed to open up and act as an entrance. What stuck out the most, was the three white horizontal pillars curved around its left and right sides. However, Arthur's attention was stolen as a door opened at the top of the steps he stood on. He quickly darted under the metal steps. 'Shit! Someone's here?'

"Did you manage to see where he could've been sent?" Arthur heard Lawrence Lightbringer's voice.

"No..." Leia answered.

Arthur's heart froze as he heard her voice.

"The kid was definitely not sent to a daycare... And I think it's because Shinra knew what he was..." Lawrence sighed.

"Even on the day I saw the kid, Shinra was on edge. He seemed doubtful of me as well..." Leia explained.

"Yeah, the guy was smart... Probably one of the smartest people in Helios... What still hasn't been recovered?"

"I got the calendar out of the Bureau... The notebooks were a bit harder because they had started being analyzed, but Arid managed to get them to me... It's just the book now, and Arthur has it..."

Arthur watched silently from under the stairs, listening to them alongside the violent beating in his heart.

"You think Arthur will care enough to notice anything about the book..." said Lawrence.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29 ⏰

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