Chapter 7: Transfiguration Trials

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The sun shone brightly on the Hogwarts grounds, casting long shadows as students scurried to their next classes. Today’s lesson in Transfiguration had been the topic of much anticipation among the students, and Chuuya Nakahara, a first-year Gryffindor, could feel a mix of excitement and apprehension bubbling within him. Next to him, however, Dazai Osamu was less concerned about the practicalities of magic and more interested in his usual antics.

“Chuuya,” Dazai said, walking in a little too close, almost bumping into him as they made their way to class. “Do you think we’ll learn to turn our teachers into animals? I’d love to see Professor McGonagall as a cat again.”

“Focus, Dazai! We’re here to learn, not to make jokes,” Chuuya replied, adjusting his grip on his wand, trying to ignore Dazai’s playful nudging.

“Come on, lighten up! I’m sure even cats get tired of being cats,” Dazai teased, his eyes glinting with mischief.

“Just wait until we have to do the practical exercises. I’m not going to be the one who gets into trouble because of you,” Chuuya warned, his brows furrowing in irritation. “And by the way, you’re not even taking this seriously.”

“Oh, but I am!” Dazai replied dramatically, feigning a serious tone as they entered the Transfiguration classroom. “The true art of wizardry lies in having fun!”

Chuuya groaned, already regretting the fact that he had decided to stick with Dazai through thick and thin. The classroom was buzzing with energy as students took their seats, ready to learn from Professor McGonagall, who stood at the front with her usual stern expression softened by a hint of warmth.

“Today,” she began, “we will focus on the Transfiguration of objects. We’ll start by turning a teapot into a tortoise. This requires not only precision but a clear intent in your magic.”

Dazai leaned over to Chuuya, whispering, “What if I try to turn my desk into a nice comfy bed? Wouldn’t that be the ultimate transfiguration?”

Chuuya rolled his eyes but couldn’t suppress a small smile. “Only you would think about comfort during a lesson like this. Just pay attention!”

As the lesson progressed, students began practicing their spells. Chuuya watched intently as his classmates successfully turned their teapots into tortoises, while Dazai sat with his own teapot, staring at it as if willing it to transform through sheer force of will.

“Come on, Dazai! You have to focus!” Chuuya urged, shaking his head at the sight. “You’re not even trying to concentrate.”

“Who needs concentration when you can have charm?” Dazai replied, winking at Chuuya as he flicked his wand dramatically. “Expelliarmus!”

Chuuya smirked. “That’s not even the right spell!”

Ignoring Chuuya’s comment, Dazai pointed his wand at the teapot again, attempting to channel his thoughts. “Let’s see what happens!”

“Dazai, wait—” Chuuya started, but it was too late. Dazai gave the teapot a half-hearted flick of his wrist.

Instantly, there was a flash of light, and Dazai’s face turned pale as he collapsed backward, fainting right onto the classroom floor. The students around them gasped, some giggling at the sight of him sprawled out on the floor while Chuuya rushed to his side.

“Dazai!” Chuuya exclaimed, kneeling beside him. “What the hell was that?!”

“Oh no,” Professor McGonagall said, moving quickly toward them. “What happened?”

“Nothing! He just… fainted!” Chuuya stammered, trying to keep his voice steady. “He’s fine! He was just… really concentrating!”

McGonagall frowned but turned to the other students. “Continue practicing. I’ll handle this.”

Chuuya turned his attention back to Dazai, shaking his shoulder gently. “Dazai, wake up! Come on, don’t scare me like this!”

Slowly, Dazai stirred, blinking up at Chuuya with a dazed expression. “What happened? Did I turn it into a tortoise?”

“No! You fainted!” Chuuya exclaimed, trying to keep his voice calm despite the concern swirling in his chest. “What were you thinking?”

Dazai grinned, the mischievous spark in his eyes returning. “Well, I guess my charm wasn’t enough for this one. Maybe I’ll have better luck with a feather or something.”

“You’re unbelievable,” Chuuya sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “You can’t just keep pretending like nothing’s wrong. You have to tell someone.”

“Why ruin the fun?” Dazai asked, pushing himself up to a sitting position. “It’s way more entertaining to keep everyone guessing. Plus, I wanted to see what it felt like to be a turtle.”

“You’re infuriating!” Chuuya said, smacking Dazai lightly on the arm. “Focus on the lesson for once!”

Dazai laughed, the sound bright and carefree, drawing the attention of a few nearby students who couldn’t help but chuckle at their antics. “Fine, fine! But I’m just saying, being a turtle might not be that bad.”

As they returned to their seats, Chuuya couldn’t help but feel a mix of exasperation and fondness for his partner. He leaned over to Dazai, lowering his voice. “Just don’t do anything crazy again. I don’t want to explain why you fainted to the entire class.”

“I can’t make any promises,” Dazai replied with a teasing grin, his spirit undeterred. “But I will try my best to stay conscious next time!”

With a resigned smile, Chuuya shook his head as Professor McGonagall resumed her teaching, a sense of warmth settling over him. Despite the chaos and Dazai’s antics, there was something undeniably special about this experience. Together, they were navigating a world of magic, and even with its challenges, it was an adventure unlike any other.

As the lesson continued, Chuuya found himself glancing at Dazai, whose playful demeanor seemed to brighten the room. Maybe their journey at Hogwarts wouldn’t just be about gathering information for Mori but also about creating memories that would last a lifetime.

And in that moment, amidst the transformations and laughter, Chuuya knew he wouldn’t trade this experience for anything—especially not with Dazai by his side.

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