Rain season

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The sky had turned grey that morning

There were big clouds announcing the beginning of the rainy season

We were looking at them, trying to name their shapes in the most accurate way we could possibly think of

We weren't worried about getting kissed by the rain

Instead, all we could do was dream of the possibility of dancing under the rain and telling the world how much we love each other.

El cielo se había vuelto gris aquella mañana

Había grandes nubes en el cielo anunciando el comienzo de la temporada de lluvias

Nos mirábamos intentando darle forma y ponerle nombre a las nubes de la manera más precisa que se nos ocurría

No nos preocupaba mojarnos bajo la lluvia'

En cambio, todo lo que hacíamos era soñar con la posibilidad de bailar bajo esta y decirle al mundo cuánto nos queremos.

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