' ' We meet again, Enid. ' '

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As of the recent timing. The new semester is in place, The same old students still there.. I decided to return, For some reason. Might be the thrill of Adrenaline this place gives you. It's river of secrets. Some discovered, Some held away in a chamber of misery. I want to enter that chamber of misery. I want to discover it. Aside that, I have no need for returning to that school. Really, I've never had a need for being here. Though as of last semester, I've grown slightly fond of my old roommate. I don't mean 1/3rd. I mean a slither of blood slightly. Though then again, Her habits are excruciating. But I've grown adjusted. Enough about Enid, I have a chamber to open.. Or more then just one.

My day started off by being awakened by Ichabod, Dragged out of bed, As usual. Also got a greeting of my miserable brother, Pugsley. I'm sure he's gonna be even more miserable when I leave. As I finished my morning dissection, I started packing for the ride of Nevermore. I placed my items inside the Vehicle as Lurch twisted the key in the Ignition, My parents getting irritatingly touchy already. I never found out why they've been so touchy aside my uncle Fester's over sharing. I did not wanna know about my parents activities in Nevermore for the record. That conversation made me wanna be dissected instead of a live pig. I'm sure I would never hear the end of it if Uncle Fester shared that information with Pugsley and not me. Enough about that, As we drove to Nevermore, I kept a constant cold shoulder to my Parents, Who were getting progressively more and more touchy. I'm surprised they can even keep on their clothes when they're alone. I highly doubt they even do though. As we drove through the gates, I spotted Enid, finding interest in her conversation with her mother. It's always had me interested on why such a woman gets so itchy with her daughter. The constant nagging from that woman would make me wanna slit my throat and esophagus at once and then drink my blood through my throat.. And amputate my ears. As we parked, I pocketed the Device that was in my hand from my previous thoughts, pulling my crossbody bag onto my shoulder, Thing inside and stepping out of the Vehicle. Despite my mother taking her second to Open her arms out in a offer for a hug, I denied. Completely ignoring it and walking toward Enid and her mother, Sliently listening as I stood behind her, Her mother nagging her Vocal cords off. " Enid, Dear. You do realize you need to find someone.. Of your species. Not some- Snakehead, Enid! " The woman spoke, Emitting irritation from me of each second she spoke. I soon cut of her mother with a Sharp Clear of my throat, Her mother coming out of her excruciating trance and taking a glance to me and then huffing in distress, looking to her husband for approval as Enid took a view to me. " Oh- Hey Wednesday! Don't mind my Mom, Her judge-y claws came out again. " She said reassuringly. Yet it wasn't very reassuring. " You mean excruciatingly Irritating Claws that have a appetizer called 'I'm gonna nag at my daughter for her living her own life'? " I said blatantly, My tone firm. Enid let out a awkward chuckle now, " So I heard you got a phone, Did you get Instagram?? Maybe TikTok?? " Enid asked, Feeling a sense of excitement as if I'd willingly get cuffed to apps that have the most mislead people on this planet. I ended up making a attempt to savor her excitement, Sighing before speaking; "I haven't, And I do not plan on doing so. " I say, my tone slightly softening, Trying to at least give a small sense of understanding in my tone. Enid's expression dropped, Her excitement coming to absolutely nothing. She ended up clearing her throat, regaining her excitement. " Soo, Are you excited for this semester?? What about Thing? We could do our makeup tutorials again! " I sigh, My expression taking a slight soften, but firming back as Thing popped out from my Bag, Waving as Enid greeted him and fist bumped him. I never felt this.. Sense of protection toward Enid. I guess it's just a temporary thing. Or to end the nagging session so she could get set up in our room faster. As of thinking this, I ended up zoning out, Ending up being Flicked at by Thing. As I came out my small trance of nothing, I slowly glanced to Thing, Taking on a glare of irritation. " Wednesdaayy.. Spare Thing.. He was making sure your okay! You didn't have another jolt thingy, Did you? " Enid asked. Her tone concerned, As she said this, I thought once more. I've felt a sense of someone looking out for me, But- No. Drop it. Anyway, I shook my head in response. " No, Now shall we head to set up the excruciating hell of our dormroom? " I suggested, my arm tensing as it felt a need to offer my hand for her to grab, Yet being held in place. I glance toward her open trunk, Sighing. " I take it you didn't bring your stuff in yet. " I sigh, Cracking my fingers as Enid spoke, " Yeaah, We sorta don't have a butler that speaks in groans all day like you. " Enid said, her tone slightly Teasing. I now take my steps toward the trunk, Grabbing Her Two dufflebags and Her rolling suitcase, Dragging it and walking off to our Dormroom, Enid giving her goodbyes to her parents and jogging after me as I was stepping along the halls. " Yknow, you seem more nice this year, Did I rub off on you?? " She said, Her tone teasing and excited. I stay silent, giving no response in return as I step inside our dormroom, letting go of her bags. " Knock yourself out. Not literally, But I wish literally. " I remark, stepping to my luggage and beginning to unpack as Enid spoke once more, " Soo, I bet tthis semester's gonna be really  different. I mean, Last semester, you kissed a Hyde that was killing people left and right, Then I wolfed out, Principal Weems Died along with Thorn- No, Laurel. " Enid says, Her expression shifting with her words, Yet I stay silent, only nodding as a answer. " I also Heard that the new prinical is like- Really strict, More strict then Principal Weems! " Enid Exclaims, My interest peaking as I glance to her. " Is that so? " I say, Dropping what I was doing. " ..Please don't tell me your gonna drag me into more spying shenanigans like you did with Tyler. " Enid says, her tone Skeptical and Suspicious. I shake my head, " Fucking Christ, No. Tyler was excruciating to interact with. " I say, my tone firm as I return to unpacking. After some silence of unpacking, I hear our door being barged into, The new principal enterring. As I glanced to her, Her entire look made me wanna slit my eyes and gouge them out and feed them to a dog. She looked as if she lost her childhood by 14 just to taunt the actual teens with brains all cause she was popular,though she wasn't a average blonde. Or wasn't even blonde at all. She was a brunette, orange-brown glasses, had a stingy, miserable and depressed face plastered on, yet masked by irritation. The principal cleared her throat, Staring at us two. " I heard about you two's Shenanigans last semester. You two will be highly supervised during this semester, Got that? And Addams, You'll be having the same uniform as everyone. We don't need acceptions. " As soon as her words hit my Poor, Miserable ears, I grumbled slightly, staying silent as Enid grew confused, Concerned and then offended. " Why not?? She's allergic to colors, Principal- Er. " She cut herself off, Obviously unaware of the title of this wretched woman. Though then again. I'm more of resistant of colors, They give me a sickening feeling in my gut as I touch them. " Being allergic to Colors is childish, Enid. There is no such thing as that. " The principal spoke, Ending the conversation by exiting our room. Enid letting out a huffed sigh. " This Semester will be hell.. " She mumbled, glancing to me. " I mean, how is it fair she's just- Revoking you of valid privileges you should have?! It isn't fair! " She exclaims, trying to feel offended for me. Mio Dio, è così dolce. I now sigh, Nodding in response. " I can get Lurch to Knit me a new uniform. " I say, trying to dismiss her Irritation as I begin organizing my stuff in place.

1466 Words.

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