' ' Why am I Doing this. ' '

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I was simply sitting there beside Enid, evaluating my life decisions.

Xavier let out a surprised snicker, then whispering over to Bianca as if planning against me in order to get me to make a move with Enid. I glanced to Enid, then her hand. Taking on a in the nerves of my hand, hesitation before returning the grab, my fingers tightening on her hand. Glancing to the room as I waited for the game to start. I felt Enid shift, turning to me as I returned the stare. " Whaddya gonna dare people with?? That isn't violent.. Specifically. " She said, which was what snapped my mood in half, my expression darkening. " If no violence, then I'm just going to take truths. At least I hope everyone picks that with me. " I say, my free hand moving to tap the armrest of the smaller sofa we were on. I slightly lean into Enid, gazing along as they prepared for the game. " Cmon, you two! Join us on the floor, it isn't that bad. " I heard Ajax say, causing a slight twitch in my eye. He generally pisses me off. I felt Enid swap hands, her right hand grabbing mine. Her left arm wrapping around my waist, causing that singular damn twist in my stomach as she Helped me to the ground, since I was injured. I let out a slight grunt in the process, my hand gripping her shoulder also as I was sat down. I leaned into Enid, my hand moving to hers hesitantly, gripping it gently. It's excruciating that I feel this way. I'm becoming what I hated the thought of. A Mini Me of my mother. Enjoying Nevermore, making friends and ending up falling in love. It disgusts me. "Can I get out of this game.? I'm not feeling like playing this shit. " I say, my tone quiet and calm despite everyone else's excited tone of getting ready, Enid taking a glance to me. "Well, If your uncomfortable, Then I won't play. We're like birds of a feather, We stick together. " She said, casually referencing a overly popular romance song. Or friendship, No idea. I ended out nodding, Enid glancing back to the group. " Me and Wednesday are gonna go to the quad for a bit. " Enid said, helping me up. Yknow, this recovery time is actually enjoyable despite being with a annoyance of people.

As she lead me to the Quad, I felt a various amount of Ideas. Glancing to Enid. " Could we go to the library instead, Enid? " I asked, glancing to her. " Sure! Though that's surprising, most of no one goes to the library anymore. " Enid said, Her tone the neutral tone she always had. There was a point why I wanted to go to the library. Laurel said people only enter for.. Various romantic activities. Looks like I'm gonna turn out like my mother. I let out a sigh as we entered, pointing our navigation of the library out, basically clogging us in aisles for no outside attention. " Enid. " I spoke, mentally preparing myself. I finally decided to.. Gain courage. Enid tilted her head, giving her signature smile to me. " What's up? "Enid spoke, her tone excited as of usual. " If I recall. You don't like Ajax anymore, Correct? " I say. I wanted to confirm myself before admitting this wretched feeling.
" Uh, Yeah. We decided to just stick with being friends. " Enid spoke as I let out a sigh, Her tone confused.
" Good. Cause I.. I want more for us. " I spout out grudgingly, glancing to her as I pocketed my hands. Enid took a decently long pause, contemplating if I just confessed my feelings or not. " I get it if you don't really.. Pay no want to ever get into a relationship with me. My old stunts may have put a mark on you, So if you reject, I understand. " I spoke, staring at her with only sincerity and a tone of affection. " Of course, Wednesday. You're amazing, I don't care about your shitty stunts, you mean well. " She said, which.. Oddly meant everything to me. Never had someone condone my stupid things. I let out a preparation sigh. " Enid. I want to date you. Under a small condition. " I say, tensing with irritation on why I had to feel this way. Enid Smiled now, " Of course, Wednesday- Though what's the condition? " Enid asked, Her tone filled with affection with a tint of confusion. " I wanna keep it private for abit. I don't want others going wild over us being together. " I say, Staring into her eyes, they reminded me of the sweet sea were most drowned. It made her look more beautiful then I thought. Enid nodded with no hesitation, which brought a tint of surprise to me. I hadn't expected her to do so since her entire social media is about gossiping. I thought for a bit, soon taking a small grudging step to Enid, Staring directly at Enid. I felt that I needed to ask for permission, but her look said do it. God's forgive me if I'm wrong. In which, I leaned in, feeling a sense of surprise as she did the same as I chained together the hesitant kiss. I wish this was my first kiss, Rather a Hyde that tried to kill her. Instead of my first one feeling dreadful, the bad type of dreadful. This one feels a sense of comfort inside me. I soon broke the kiss, Enid smiling back at me.
" Yknow, I sorta suspected that you liked me. You were grabbing my hand, a lot. Which is so not Wednesday. " Enid spoke, Which I instead grabbed both her hands, interlocking our fingers as I chained together another kiss between us, Which I felt her claws spring out. I always loved that wolf side of her. That fight was beautiful to watch aside the parts where she was hurt. It seems I've always had a thing for hostility. I soon broke the kiss, feeling Enid pull me into a tight hug. " I love you, Wednesday. " Enid spoke. I can't understand why, but that sentence surprised me a lot. I took a moment of hesitating, " I love you too, Enid. " I returned. It felt almost refreshing to say that, and I hate it for that reason. I leaned into Enid, my chin above her shoulder as I allowed her arms to embrace me. Yet the moment was ruined.. By fucking- By Yoko. " I knew I heard some lovey-dovey shenanigans, But I can say, I didn't expect it but also expected it from you two. " I heard Yoko say, her tone teasing. " Squawk a word out of that mouth to anyone about this and I will defang you. " I say, threatening Yoko for this. " Chill out, Wednesday. Wasn't gonna, Anyway. Tell me all of what just happened. " Yoko said, Which immediately I shook my head toward Enid. " Sure! But you heard Wednesday, no spilling it to anyone else. " Enid spoke, it was sweet of her to respect what I said. Considerate even. It's admirable.

Enid lead me and Yoko to our room, Sitting us on her Bed. " So, Give me all the details. " Yoko said, Using a tone that reminded me of how Enid is. Enid let out a small chuckle, grabbing my hand as I returned it, interlocking our fingers. " So, Basically. Wednesday and I were going to quad till Wednesday told me to go to the Library, now that I think of it. I should've took it as a sign- Anyway, She basically made us go thick into the aisles, Then uh, She confessed, I accepted. " Enid said, Leaving the kissing part out. Yet we weren't very slick. " Cmon, Enid. I heard the small sound of that kiss, Or was it more then one? " I heard Yoko say, Which I let out a grumble of irritation. " Oof- Uh.. Two. " Enid admitted, Since we were literally bummed out. Yoko clapped her hands, Nodding. " Congrats, My now local Gays. I will not spill the beans to anyone else till you say so. " Yoko said, standing up and walking off with a wave. Enid took a glance to me now. " Did you love me last year or did you realize it recently? " She asked, Which had me think. " I've always felt a sense of affection for you at least a week after the Poe cup. " I admit. I felt Enid rub my hand gently, which made me feel a twist in my stomach. The same thing Xavier and Bianca described as.. Butterflies? I don't get that.

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