' ' Enid. Tyler is locked up. ' '

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I was cooling off on my bed, Just silently sitting there as I thought, Enid was already asleep, seeing as it was 11:39pm. I took a glance over to Enid as I heard her mumbles of confusion that slowly grew into fear, I took a small hesitation as I stood up, Listening intently on Enid's sleepy mumbles. All relating to Tyler and that night.

I soon stepped over, Sitting beside her Sleeping form on her bed reluctantly, gripping her forearm that was making a shoving motion. " Enid. " I say firmly as she stirred, Gently shaking her arm as she fully stirred awake, Immediately glancing to me in panic. I felt a sense of Sorrow for her, Despite my hate for physical touch, It had given me so urge to give into her and Hug her. Despite this, I didn't follow with it, " .. Enid, Are you alright? " I ask, Concerned as my hand trails to hers, my hand pausing mid-way as Enid ends up taking my entire forearm and tightly hugging it, making me pause at the sudden, Abrupt gesture. Soon ending up allowing it. " Enid. What's wrong? " I ask, growing progressively more and more concerned, her grip growing tighter on my arm. I soon cave, gripping her shoulder that was laid against her bed before pulling her up into a sit and pulling her close, Despite the discomfort of my own when it came to the physical touch and touching the colors, I ended up ignoring it. I soon pause, realizing the tears that were streaming down her cheeks, Taking a assumption that it was a nightmare about her altercation with Tyler. As of seeing the tears, I rub her back gently, Thing scurrying over and climbing my arm and wrapping his hand around Enid's, like his own type of hug. " Enid. Please speak to me. " I say, feeling a larger sense of sorrow for her, pulling her closer as she sniffles between attempts to speak as she clenched my arm. " What if- What if- Wh-What if Tyler actually won that night??.. " Enid soon speaks out, her tone trembling. As of finding out the reason of her midnight breakdown, I pull her closer, Her ending up being rested into my lap. " He didn't, That's the important thing, Enid. " I say, trying to reassure her, running my fingers through her hair gently as she sobbed against me. " Have you been getting nightmares about that recently? " I ask, concerned if this would be normal or not. " Yeah.. I've been scared to come back here cause I think it's gonna happen again.. Not that I'll be in danger, I'm scared I'll.. I'll fail to protect you, Then lose you. " Enid admits. My expression softening even more as I stay silent, rubbing her back gently, soon speaking. " I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, Enid. " I say reassuringly. Enids expression unchanging, keeping a simple visual explanation of the pain and torment she felt of that time. I'm beginning to regret ever manipulating her into getting into the gates house. Or even getting into this situation. Now I'm starting to understand Xavier's words. Enid soon calmed down as I continued the constant up and down motion of my palm against her back as she leaned against me, Holding my forearm. Good to note of her nightmares being torturous enough to have her like this. I stayed silent, letting Enid take her time to cool off and speak when she wanted. Though all that really came out was soft stammering, muffled by my shoulder as she swapped from holding my arm to much rather hug me. Admittedly, I only allow Enid to hug me if she's distressed. Do Not let it get to your head. In which, I hugged her back, keeping my arms firm around her, A reassurance of my presence in this amazingly torturous School. We ended out staying in that position for hours till I realized she'd fallen asleep in my arms.

I felt a sense of protection of her, but I shouldn't show that as much. Being reliant isn't for me. But enduring the insomniac hours of her resting in my arms, I just sat there with her till morning, Thing flipping through a book for me. As of 6:35am, I got my reading interrupted by Enid's alarm, a ear piercing pop song. This alarm ended up failing to awaken Enid, another alarm went off about 15 minutes later, being a actual Alarm sound. Talk about a save for my ears. This alarm made her wake up, immediately taking a glance around at the sights before to me. Her expression a mix of gratitude and confusion. " Wednesday, Why're.. Why're you still here? I thought you'd let go by now. " She says, I wish I let go. Though I ended out trusting my instincts and keeping ahold of her. " I was keeping precaution incase of another nightmare. " I said now. I knew from her own point of view, She'd hate a nightmare. She can't even handle a picture of a Amputated toe. Enid soon smiled, " Thank you, Wednesday. " She spoke, Her tone appricative of my torturous doings. In which, I let go of her as she got up, I immediately took the chance to stand, to get out of this Nuclear zone of colors. Now walking over to my side of the room as Enid began to get ready, Speaking " So what're you gonna do without your special order? I mean, I bet the Lurch butler guy can't Knit that fast. " She was right. Lurch can't knit that fast to even save his life. " I'll wear my old uniform. " I say, compromising. Enid's expression turning to one of worry, Yet she obviously dismissed it.

956 Words.

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