Cat Valentine

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She glanced around the corner of the yellow house, peering at what was a rickety fence. She thought she saw several marijuana plants in between the cracks. Instinctively, she walked over to the fence and peered over it. Indeed there were several marijuana plants in the corner. A wrinkle formed between her brow as she scanned the yard, in the back was a wooden shed that almost seemed to be calling for her. She wasn't narcotics or anything of the sort, but she knew the laws of the state. She turned back around to see Freddie, Sam and Carly watching from the sides of the house, his hands at his hips. Boom walked around the corner and her eyes flicked over to him "Boom, the state of California, it's still illegal to grow your own pot, isn't it?"

"I believe so."

"You may want to have narcotics come out here. There are marijuana plants and a suspicions shed in the back. Just out of the open for all to see." As an enforcer of the law, it was still her legal duty to report findings such as child abuse, domestic violence, drug use, and so on. These things were required by law Always the observer, she had a nose for this stuff. "Much as I don't want to assume Cat has been doing drugs..."

"She does have a teenage son, does she not? We'll leave that to narcotics."

"Right." They returned to the front porch and rang the doorbell. They heard someone inside, telling someone else to get the door. "Sounds like they're home."

The door opened and a man about eighteen stepped out, he smiled at the officers and extended his hand. "Lance Valentine, how are you today, officers?"

"Been better. I presume you are Catherine Valentine's son?"

"Yes ma'am." He withdrew his hand and motioned for them to come inside. When they did, they saw Cat sitting in a wooden chair, smoking a glass pipe and holding her nose. Trina's lips parted and the men shook their heads. "Medicinal..." Cat looked up with wide eyes and quickly lowered the pipe. Trina lifted her hand, chuckling nervously.

"Relax, we're not narcotics." She couldn't believe she just walked in on Cat smoking weed. It was nauseating at best, and the smell disgusted her. She had to move to the opposite side of the room and open the windows, coughing as the smoke tried to penetrate her system. "The uh, the plants medicinal as well? You know, the marijuana plants that can be seen from the street?" Cat began coughing as Lance slowly glanced to the window. "Unfortunately since they can be seen, we do have to report those to narcotics."

"You need to tell your 'friend' to cut the crap, clearly they've been lying to you. But that's not why we're here anyway..."

"Then what are you here for?" Didn't Cat even recognize her? Probably not, considering the woman was high. Of course, Cat was studying her, so it was probable she was trying to determine if they'd met. "I feel like I've seen you before. I need medicinal marijuana because of my cancer."

"Cancer, Cat?"

"Mom suffers from Cancer and a lot of guilt in her lifetime," Lance said with a frown. He moved over to his mother and put his hand to her shoulder. Cat twitched and looked up at him, giggling briskly. Trina looked to Lance, shocked to be seeing for the first time how much like Robbie he looked. "She's seen a lot of bad things..."

""V-Vega!" Cat cried out. Trina shifted her gaze over and Lance raised his eyebrow. "Tori." Cat pointed to her and gasped, "You're Tori's sister, Trina! Oh my god, you're alive!" Trina smiled at her and walked over, crouching down in front of her. She hung her hands between her knees and looked directly into Cat's bewildered gaze. Tears erupted from Cat's eyes as the pipe in her hand fell to the floor, cracking as it made contact. "Oh my god...does Tori know you're here? Does Jade? Oh god, Jade!"

"Um, I haven't physically talked to Tori myself. I'm investigating a murder, Cat."

"You mean you've recovered?"

"Well." Trina bowed her head and chuckled absently, she wouldn't say she recovered. The whole mess of her past was still a major problem for her, but she didn't need Cat to know that. She didn't want to hurdle more guilt on this woman's shoulders, as it seemed that guilt made her do the drugs that she did. Clearly she was being manipulated by someone else as well, if she was getting plants from a friend and being told that it was okay. "Life is good now, Cat. I'm a well I can't say for now."

" you've had a good life...I'm glad. You don't know how much I hurt over what we did. Even Andre and Robbie were affected! Andre! Andre started drinking, Trina! He's married to Tori and he drinks all the time, I think it's because he's guilty too...things haven't gone well for him."

"Alcohol is a drug, and like any drug, it messes with the mind."

"Oh, you want some?"

"Um, no Cat..."

"Did you start this because of what happened to me, Cat?"

"A little, but there are other things." Cat picked up her pipe and examined the crack. Upon deciding there was no danger, she lit up a fresh amount of her marijuana. Trina groaned and pushed herself up, walking away as Cat put the pipe to her lips and sucked in.

"Who the hell told her she had to take drugs to relieve the guilt? Seriously? I knew she was naïve back in the day, but come on..." She had to remind herself that this wasn't a narcotics case, but it was extremely difficult to avoid it. "Okay, Lance, since it seems your mother is, um..." Trina looked over to Cat, the woman had lowered her arm to the arm rest, a USB like device sticking out of her arm and tilted her head back, her eyes were shut and smoke was coming from her mouth. "Dear god..." She put her hand to her forehead, rubbing her thumb and forefinger in small circles. "Indisposed at the moment, maybe we can ask you a few questions?" Lance nodded and folded his arms over.

"All right, what can I help you with?"

"I'm guessing you live with your mom..."

He frowned and glanced to his mother, "Yeah...someone has to take care of her. Cost me a few girlfriends and dates throughout my school years, but whatever."

Lance looked over to his mother, Cat was still passed out with a burning pipe in her hand. With a sigh, he took the USB device out of her arm, revealing a barcode circuitry like pattern there. "Do you still have to report mom to narcotics?"

"I'm afraid so." As much as she hated having to do it, it was a requirement. She pointed her thumb to Boom and closed her eyes. "Moreover he does. This isn't my jurisdiction, but the serial killer case is my case to work. However we have to operate in Boom's supervision. Since it's his jurisdiction, he's the one that needs to report it. You want to take care of your mother, right?"


"Then do her a favor and cut your mother's access with her 'friend', or as we call them...her dealer. If she seriously needs the marijuana, then let her get it the legal way."

"Yeah. I mean the USB is a-"

"No." Trina lifted her hand to stop him. She closed her eyes and shook her head. "I don't need or want to hear any more. If she's taking anything else that I haven't seen, I don't want to know. Let narcotics handle it."

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