11. Shanty On The Sea Shadows

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Lyrics: Shanty On The Sea Shadows:

A ship sails in the storm
Ready for her treasures to reach

Unknown her name in all the sea
But the winds whisper her exploits across the sea
Set sail and hoist sails great dogs of fresh water, sea-bred seafarers
Soon we will leave the sea and the island we will find
One day we'll triumph and the rewards we'll take
Sometime we'll return

Hours pass, years become eons, where the hunter torments the lives of his crewmen
One day we will leave, where the sun will shine again and where freedom awaits us

Centuries and hundreds of eras have passed since we touched land, the captain's impatience grows stronger with the passing of time.

I long for freedom, to see my people rest, the warmth of dawn that embraces us again.

Dreams become nightmares when at night the beasts lurk.

The hours pass, the years become eons, where the hunter torments the lives of his crewmen
One day we will leave, where the sun will shine again and where freedom awaits us.

The hours of eternity are strange
The hours of the young are limitless
I wish you congratulations there are only shadows

Where beasts lurk
The captain longs for the reward of the seletios
His longed-for treasure the heart of eternities,
We fight krakens, beasts of fire of fire, bears of bones and magic, beings of smoke, waves of lava.
Mysteries are hidden that no one has ever known.

To them we march to see the sunlight.
One day we will triumph and return from the shadows

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