Felix x Jalin

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Bold - English                                                                         Normal - Korean

As you sat down in the Two Kids Room, you couldn't help but notice the faint scent of freshly baked cookies lingering in the air. Felix, sitting cross-legged on the couch, beamed at you, holding a plate of warm cookies in his hands.

"Guess who's been busy in the kitchen?" he announced proudly, offering you a cookie. "I made these just for us."

You took one eagerly, biting into it and letting out a satisfied sigh. "Oh my gosh, this is amazing! You never disappoint, Felix. How are you so good at this?"

He shrugged with a cheeky grin. "It's all about love and passion. And maybe a little bit of butter." He leaned in closer, lowering his voice. "But don't tell the others that. They'll start demanding cookies every day."

"Oh, you mean they don't already?" you teased, nudging him playfully.

"Fair point," he admitted, laughing. "But it's our secret now, okay? This batch is just for us."

"Deal," you agreed, savoring another bite. "You're spoiling me, you know that?"

Felix gave a dramatic sigh, resting his chin in his hand as he looked at you with mock seriousness. "Well, someone's got to do it. Might as well be me."

You both laughed, and the conversation shifted to all the little things that had been happening lately. As usual, Felix was full of energy, telling you about his latest baking adventures, a failed attempt at a soufflé, and the chaos that ensued when Changbin tried to help.

"So there I was, trying to save the soufflé," Felix recounted with wide eyes. "And then Changbin comes in, all confident, saying he knows how to fix it. Next thing I know, it's flat as a pancake!"

"No way! How did he manage to do that?" you asked, laughing so hard you nearly dropped your cookie.

"I have no idea!" Felix said, shaking his head in disbelief. "I think he jinxed it, honestly. The second he touched it, it was game over."

"Remind me never to let him near the kitchen when I'm baking with you," you joked, and Felix nodded emphatically.

"Exactly! We'll keep it a Changbin-free zone," he agreed. "But, in his defense, he did feel really bad afterward. He even tried to help me clean up the mess."

"Aww, that's kind of sweet," you admitted. "But still, no more baking with him."

"Absolutely not," Felix replied with a grin. "I need my baking partner to be someone who doesn't turn soufflés into pancakes."

You felt a warmth spread through your chest at his words. "So, I'm your baking partner now, huh? Is this an official title?"

"Only if you want it," he said, suddenly serious, his gaze locking with yours. "I'd be honored to share the kitchen with you anytime."

"Then it's official," you declared, holding out your pinky. "Pinky promise."

Felix hooked his pinky with yours, his smile softening. "Pinky promise."

For a moment, you both sat there in silence, still connected by that pinky link, before you burst out laughing. "We're such dorks."

"The biggest dorks," he agreed, laughing along with you. "But I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Me neither," you said, grinning. "But tell me, what's next on the baking agenda? More cookies? Cupcakes? Something super fancy?"

"Oh, I was thinking we should try macarons next," Felix said, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "I've been dying to make them, but I need a partner who's up for the challenge."

"Macarons?" you repeated, your eyes widening. "That's, like, expert-level baking!"

"I know," Felix replied, the challenge gleaming in his eyes. "But I think we can do it. Together."

"Well then," you said, leaning back and crossing your arms confidently, "I guess we're about to become macaron masters."

"That's the spirit!" Felix cheered, high-fiving you. "We're going to crush it!"

"And if we don't," you added with a playful smirk, "we'll just blame Changbin."

"Always blame Changbin," Felix agreed solemnly, and you both dissolved into giggles once more.

As the laughter died down, Felix glanced at you, his expression softening again. "You know, I really enjoy spending time with you, Jalin."

You felt your cheeks warm at his words but managed to keep your cool. "I enjoy spending time with you too, Felix. Especially when there are cookies involved."

"Well then," he said, offering you another one, "looks like you're stuck with me."

"Good," you replied, taking the cookie with a smile. "Because I wouldn't have it any other way."

(word count 719)

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