Chapter 2

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I fluttered my eyes. There was no more pain. Nope, it was all gone, except for a slight throbbing feeling on my head, stomach and back. I rolled over until I was flat on my back. I whinced at the pain but soon returned to my cold exterior. I rubbed my stomach and felt pain jab at me there. That must be the bruise which Jase had left me. I squeezed my eyes shut as memories from mine and Jases last encounter flooded my mind. That's when I realised how much I would dread until the time when someone acknowledged my concious state. I instantaneously stiffened at the thought and clenched my fists at my side. I wanted to die so badly before! just so I didn't have to wake up to my reality again. But how long had I been out for this time?

Slowly I rose to my feet and staggered forward slightly with my knobbly knees jittering bellow me. I looked at the wall to my right which held a calendar on it. Everyday a guard, mostly Jase, would come in and cross off the past day. Today is read June 23rd. That must mean i had been out cold for the past week and 3 days. Hey, well that's the longest yet! How about next time I try and make it to never waking up. Well, with my luck, It wouldn't happen. But seriously how sad is it that a 21 year old woman is waiting for death. That thought would never cross any normal 21 year olds mind. They would be out, clubbing, drinking, having fun with their families and boyfriends, even girlfriends for some. I hadn't even been in a proper relationship. Well me and Aaron wasn't a proper relationship were we? We had started going out when we were 13. It was actually quite funny to be perfectly honest. We had been best friend ever since we were in diapers. Then when we grew older we started to notice the spark, the attraction between us and he asked me out when we were in year 9. I guess it was a bit of a shock to our parents. They had always thought that me and Aaron where just bestfriends, like brother and sistrr if you will, but we had a connection on a whole other level, we were more than just best friends, more than just boyfriend and girlfriend, we were (as I recall him saying) "soul mates" I could only think of what he felt when he never saw me that morning after our special night. I wouldn't hate him even if he never wanted to see me again, he never knew what had happened to me, he probably thought i'd run away! Well, at least no one would be able to take away my memories with him.

*flash back*

'Marina?' it was Aaron who had called me.

'AARON!' I chirped excitedly.

'Thats my girl.' he swooned. An instant smile spread across my face, I could imagine him grinning on the other side of the phone.

'how's my man doing?' I replied trying to put on my best sexy voice.

'your MAN is doing fine.' he chuckled. 'and how is my wo-man doing?'

'just dandy! Now let's cut to the chase okay? I need to see you!!' I answered quickly.

'woe! Hold your horses big girl.'

'yh you'd know all about me being a uhhh.... Big girl wouldn't you?'

Aaron burst out laughing.' Please babe, I love you so much and you are the most sexiest thing to me but don't try and act seductive! Your just too innocent!'

'Fine, I'm sorry.' I pouted childishly.

'honey I'm sorry. Can I make it up to my beautiful princess today?'

A smile quickly replaced my pout as eagerness to see Aaron kicked in. 'uh hu! Yep! Sure! Yes! Positutly!'

'haha! Okay, well hows about we meet at lake-grove park? Is that okay? 6:00 and we can have a picknick.'

Aaron was alway trying to impress me put he always did it with the superficial! Always taking me out to expensive places and buying me random jewelry for the heck of it. I do love all of the things he does for me but I just wanted time with him, or even if the actually meant something sometimes but no... So I was so overwhelmed by the fact that he wanted to just spend some quality time with me with a picknick at the park!

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