Chapter 4

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I sat there. On the ground. So cold and hard, much like myself these days. Trixy had her head resting against my shoulder. And I.... Well I was thinking. Everything was running through my mind but the one thing which was racing circles around my brain was Jase.

Jase. He was abusive, it comes with the job, but he's sometimes nice which is an act of spontaneity. But killing? Murdering? Taking someone's life? That's just a whole new Jase! A jase I never even had dreamt of knowing. This new light now shone on him. My perspective had changed. I was no longer going to be only bitchy when he was abusive. It was time to bring out bitch in me! And a smirk twisted its way upon my face as the thought dropped into my mind.


My eyes fluttered open as a beam of light snuck in through the high and barred window in my prison, looking over to Trixy, I rethought, our prison. Yawning and stretching, I felt the burn in my aching muscles. I lifted my head and sat, propped up against the near by wall. Both I and Trixy had decided to take a nap after being woken up by Ronnie, the food deliverer, and having a light salad as our food.

The short skirt I wore rode up and my skimpy top showed a lot of skin. The cold was hitting me from everywhere, like being attacked by a herd. Jases jacket lay in the far right corner of the room. I spared a glance at it and grimaced as images of its owner flashed into my mind. My head was aching but my devious plan thought up yesterday was still clear as day.

Shifting around I found myself very uncomfortable. So instead I got up and began to pace around the room, awakening my toned but aching muscles and clearing my mind of all fog that clouded it like it usually did. As I walked I mindlessly thought about my child hood. I smiled at my young visions of being like the Greek goddess Diana and forever being a virgin maid and frolicking in nature. Oh boy was I wrong. I reminisced on the images of happiness, happiness which used to course through my being but now felt like that young blood had been drained. But I mentally slapped myself! No remembering! No thinking! Just numbness! Focus on the numbness. I kicked a small pebble with all the strength I could muster, taking out some of my own grief on the small inanimate object. But do my humour the pebble struck Trixy on the head and she awoke grumbling incoherent words. I stifled a laugh... Until I saw those beautiful but tear stained eyes.

'Hey, how are you feeling?' I whispered to Trixy, crouching beside her.

She propped herself up on her elbows and looked at me, her eyes still red and puffy.

'like shit.' she whispered almost inaudibly.

I sighed, well, what else did I expect? That she felt like fricking daisies?! I ran a comforting hand through her hair, and she closed her eyes sucking in a breath, when she reopened them, they were on the verge of shedding tears. Her little hand clench my rough hand and she squeezed it.

'shhhh' I cooed, 'don't cry! Shhhh.'

She didn't cry but instead stared at me, 'what's ur name?' she questioned me.

I was stunned for a second, 'uhhh, just call me M... L... Lulu.' I stuttered. Well Lulu was better than Lust, and I didn't want any reminders of my past life so Marina was out of the question.

'Lulu.' she murmured, 'Lulu,' like she was committing it to her memory.

I nodded stiffly and rose to my feet. As I was brushing myself off the huge metal door swung open and there in all his masculine glory was Jase, violent, abusive Jase. Sweet, bipolar Jase. Killer, murderous... Jase.

'You have a client at 9:00 pm, it's 7:00 so u need to go get yourself cleaned up.'

A growl rumbled through my chest. At his easy going attitude, acting like he couldn't see the wide eyed and scared shitless girl behind me.

Acting like he didn't know her, he tossed her a side glance and stated, 'I'll get someone to look at that nasty leg.' and then his eyes peirced into mine. 'we need to go....' his eyes racked my body and a shudder of disgust rippled through me, he looked me In the eye again, '.... Where's my jacket?' and if I didn't know better I would have thought it was true concern I heard in his voice.

Stepping toward him with a menacing smile on my face I grabbed his black v-neck top, pulling him toward me so my lips were at his ear, 'on the floor in the corner, where scum like u deserve to be.' I growled and pushed him back, before he had time to retaliate and hit me and strode past his shock frozen figure and made my way to the shower room.

Playing with Jase would be fun.... But for now, it was another client, another meaningless night. And that bought down my mood yet again.



OKAY! Listen guys, I am so sorry! Like SO SO SO SO SO SO SO sorry! I know I haven't uploaded in like forever and im ashamed. I've been so busy though! With weddings and exams and holidays and weddings and family business and work and weddings! (if ur Sikh or Hindu or Asian in general u'll understand the weddings sinario).

This is just a short teaser and filler chapter, the next upload will be short as well but much more interesting! :D (coz I know u probably fell asleep during this one due to how boring it was!)

Y'all know the routine;




And are you getting any suspicious vibes off anyone yet? ;) love you! Deeva xx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2011 ⏰

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