Chapter 3

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Okay peeps.... Feeling VERY unloved ATM! :( votes pls just so I know I'm doing a good job and it's interesting... If u think that it's not interesting then comment saying what's wrong! That's all lil old me is asking for :) now I'll let you get on and read... That is if you comment and vote of course! :)) lol ENJOY! x

Btw this is dedicated to my friend SerryBerry coz she made the fantastic new cover! Why don't you comment on the cover too? Lol bye x


Slowly I made my way over to her. I took her hand in mine and began to bend down to the floor so she would follow and sit as well. Hesitantly she did, but she managed to half fall to the floor as dizziness from the alcohol she had consumed recently, flushed through her body again. I squeezed her hand as she regained her composture. I knew this little girl needed comforting, because she needed to be warned, like all the other youngsters that ended up in here a few times, of what was to happen in her future. I had been through this so many times that I had almost memorised my speech.

I looked down at her. She was staring at the ground. 'how old are you?' I started off as usual.

She shifted uncomfortably. 'uh... 15.' she whispered nearly inaudiably. Her gaze drifted to mine and she gave me a look of embaresment.

'wild night out with the friends.' I guessed. There was no need for her to answer me... I knew.

'a nice downtown club, new fake id's, all dolled up, bouncer let's you in for your good looks.' I stated. I knew that story off by heart.

She seemed shocked as she stared up at me. 'how'd you know?' she slurred.

'Honey, your not the first drunk 15 year old to waltz in here.' I told her straight.

She looked dumbfounded! I picked up my free hand a brushed away the hair matted to her forehead.

'You can tell me.' I reassured her. 'I'm here to help honey.' amongst other things. I thought the last bit in my head.

Her eyes grew with moisture. 'hey hey hey, what's up lil beauty?' I murmured. I guess the best thing to do was to make her feel loved.

'' she stuttered. 'you remind me of my mum!' she wailed suddenly embracing me. I cringed at her contact with my bruised back but then her words sunk in. I reminded her of her mum? I was only 21. Well I guess being in this kinda situation for 6 years puts life into perspective. I brought up my hand and rubbed her back soothingly.

'Let it all I out.' I whispered to her, my voice cracking. This little fragile girl had suddenly gained a fraction of my heart. And my heart was now very hard... Dragged through hell and back multiple times, shredded through nails and infected with venomous poisons. so trust me, it was hard to get a peace of my heart these days. But my heart gripped when she said I reminded her of her mum.

The little girls tears spilled over onto my neck. It was like a never ending water fall. She started sniffing and sat back up, slowly letting go of me. She bought up her arm and rubbed her eyes and nose with it. Only then did I notice what she was wearing.

She was wearing a tight black dress that ended only cententimeters below her bum. The dress what hot! I had to admit bit not something I would personally had gone for at her age. There was no shoulder strap on the left side. The other strap was thick and had black roses cascading down from it, they continued elegantly down and around her right boob then rounded underneath it and acted as a belt type of thing as it followed along her boob line to her left and disappeared around the back only to meet it again around her back and stopping where it started at her right breast. The dress was very sexy, far to sexy for a girl her age.

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