Chapter 5

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It didn't take long at the store. I grabbed a few essentials for a day or two, not expecting to stay more than that. Climbing into the driver's seat of my car, I still felt skeptical about the whole idea of going so far all alone (Ben didn't count).

I was afraid—really afraid. The risks were endless. I didn't want to appear on the news the next day as someone who had died from a bear attack or had gone missing after venturing too far into the wilderness. What if I never came back home? What if I never saw my mum again?

My dad was never really present in my life and I dont know him, so my mum was the only family I had left to call. Speaking of which—oh my god, I forgot to call her! She would be so worried.

I hit call, and it didn't ring twice before she picked up. "Al, finally! You called. I was really getting worried. Why weren't you answering my texts?" Her voice was tinged with vexation.

"I'm really sorry, Mum. My new case is just taking up so much time; I didn't have a chance to check my messages."

"How do I know what happened to you? How do I know if you're okay?" she pressed.

"Sorry, Mum." Guilt washed over me; she was clearly upset.

"It's fine, Alani. Just don't keep me worried like that, okay?" she said, exasperated.

"Okay, I'm sorry." My voice was low, barely above a whisper.

She seemed to have accepted my apology and lightened up a bit. "Alright, now tell me everything."

I laughed; my mum loved a good gossip. "Alright, I'll fill you in on my case," I said, leaving out the part about the diary magically opening at night so she wouldn't freak out. I told her everything else, and she provided some useful insights and pointers that I might have missed.

Now came the tough part. I took a deep breath, saying a silent prayer. I knew she wouldn't stop me from going, but she would disapprove highly. "Mum?" My voice shook a little.

"So, I need to travel to Maydale, and it's actually pretty far."

There was a long pause on the other end. "You know I don't like you doing dangerous things. You know how much we've been through." Her voice quivered slightly.

"I know, Mum." I felt resigned.

More silence. "How far?" she finally asked.

"About 2,000 kilometers."

"How long will you be gone?"

"About a day."

I heard her sigh. "Just be safe, okay?"

"Trust me, I don't want to go either, but I have to."

"That Ben boy is coming with you, right?" she asked, her tone inquisitive.

"Yeah, I mean, he's sort of intruding," I said, rolling my eyes.

"I don't want you going all alone, so take him," she advised.

"Trust me, Mum, I'm safer alone."

"Why do you always complain about him? Is he really that bad?"

"You have no idea," I said, exasperated.

"I'm going to meet him and see for myself one day."

"Be my guest." I thought, maybe then she would finally understand.

"So you're leaving tomorrow?" she asked.

"The day after."

"You know, I think I might stop by tomorrow. I want to see you."

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