Entry 8

82 25 2

Jimin is not eating.

He won't eat
Because someone wrote he is fat and ugly.

Hoseok Hyung forcefully made him eat .

Telling him to not mind people's word.

He is much more than what they say

I wish he could believe in what he says.

Cause the mask he wears stays .

Namjoon Hyung says...People will always gonna be like that .

They will always judge you for your right for your wrong.

They don't have life so they suck yours.
They don't have soul so they destroys your.

Why ? Why are we like that ?

Why can't we be content?

I know I am being hypocratic.

Cause I am not content.

I am thriving for more.

I am seeking for more.

I don't even realize

How much of I am being those people right now.

Guess I am no different than others.

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