Entry 15

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He is pretty , too pretty that I couldn't take my eyes off him.

I nearly get caught by Jin Hyung today , staring at Hoseok hyung who seems to love roaming around without shirt this days.

I need to keep it under check , but I couldn't

He is pretty in way the sky is pretty after rain, 

The rain that brings both calmness and storms , 

The storm that my love for him gonna bring in our life.

And the calmness I feel my heart feel when I just get to see him , exist .

My love , even if he denies he is My love.

I was thinking of possibilities of him rejecting me , 

It nearly caused me heart ache

But realization that he would still be my love made me happy , made me at peace with myself.

My pretty Hoseok Hyung, 

I Love you and that's all I know.


I just got to know that Kim Yeontan passed away and I couldn't believe it for moment I felt like someone played ugly joke on me .

It would have been better if it was joke.

I have seen him grown up , he was so small . 

The bond Taehyung and Tannie share, I always adore it. The purest form of love that I have seen is always between human and Animal.

The unconditional love.

I just hope that our little Tannie is happy wherever he is . 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2024 ⏰

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