Happy Independence day China(Dare)

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Dare From: ak202422

Dare: for everyone to be mean to china and then celebrate his b-day then teleport me so i can hug china nd tell him how much i love him

Everyone: "chatting about shits*

China: hey guys👋

India: go away china no one want you here

China: huh?

Philippines: go away china didn't you hear him no one want you here

China: but it's my b-

Pakistan: just get lost!

China: "heartbroken" y-you too paki

Paki: "fells bad but he have to act" just get lost china no one want you here!!

China: "Gets upset" o-okay "walks away"

Vietnam: don't you guys think that was a little harsh?

India: be quiet vietnam!


China: "bump into north" o-oh sorry north-

North: ugh watch where you going "push him on the ground"

China: "falls on the ground with a
thud" o-ow

North: tsk "walks away"

China: "fells even more upset that his closed friend is being mean to him"

Russia: "walks past china and ignores him"


China: "was in his room listening to sad music and closing his eyes, putting his ankles closed to his chest, he have been in his room for hours he didn't wanna leave bc everyone was mean to him"

China: "After a few minutes he felt thursty, he got up from his bed and put his headphone down, he walks out of his room and straigh to the living room. The lights wear off so he couldn't see anything, he looks for the light switch and after a few seconds he found it, he turn it on and what he saw made his eyes widen"

Everyone: SUPRISED!!! Happy birthday china!!

China: y-you guys remember "starts to tear up"

Paki: ofcourse we do remember cheeni why wouldn't we?

Me: yeah were sorry for being mean earlier it was just an acting

China: oh i thought you guys were mad at me

Paki: "quickly hugs china and sobs" Im so so so sorry for shouting at you i didn't mean it!!

China: "smiles and hugs back" it's fine paki

Paki: "continue to sob"

India: look my brother is being dramatic again "rolls eyes"

Me: let him be india, anyways we have a little visit from Ak

"Teleports Ak"

Ak: hey! Long time no see guys!

Switzerland: "looking at his phone does notice ak"

Everyone: Hi Ak nice to see you again "sync"

Me: hey sis "hugs ak" i miss you so much

Ak: "hugs back" i miss you too and im not fully gone im still here

Me: i know but not like always "sigh" well enough drama "push her toward china"

Ak: hi china "hugs china" china do you know that im obsessed with you and also happy birthday

China: "hugs back" thank you -best birthday ever-

Dare: For paki to give china a piggy back ride

Paki: fine since its his birthday

China: "hops on pakis back" lets go paki move

Paki: im moving im moving "walks down the halls"

China: "giggles" run paki come on

(yk i don't like soft china one bit, im not saying that i don't like your Au ak thier great i just don't like soft china if im the one writing it)

Paki: okay okay "runs a bit fast down the hall then back to the party"

China: that was fun "gets off paki's back"

Paki: "falls on the floor"

Me: will did you have fun china?

China: yeah i had fun thank you for your dare Ak

Ak: aww your welcome you deserve it!

Russia: china here is my present for you

China: "russia hands him a bottle of vodka, wrap like a present" uh russ you do know i don't drink right

Russia: oh come on it's your birthday have a little fun in your life will you

China:"looks at paki"

Paki: "nods"

China: okay fine "opens the bottle and chug on the it he drank the whole thing"

Russia: thats the spirit


Russia: wilL got to go Ame is getting mad "gulped and runs up to Ame"

Ak: ekk i just wanna say happy birthday again china

China: "smiles" thank you~ "drunk af"

Me: will thats all time to say goodbye to the readers

Ak: bye!

Everyone: Goodbye!

Me: bye!

Happy Independence day china!🥳

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