Accidental Descry

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4:43 a.m.

This is what the tempus charm displayed when performed by Severus.

He felt restlessness overtake his body, leaving behind the traces of frustration on his mind. He had dozed off at 1 a.m., only to be woken up by overwhelming thoughts since 3 a.m.

Severus just had to check for once if the blood wards were intact after many years or not as no witch or wizard had checked upon them since the last three years and the only person aware about them was dead. How hard could that be?

It wasn't just a matter of wastage of time. Or meeting bloody 'Tuney'. It was Potter's spawn he was hesitant of meeting. Severus wasn't ready for old scars to be opened, they hadn't even healed completely.

Seeing the boy would also mean seeing her shadow, of his best friend Lily, and that for sure would drive him out of his mind.

No, he would not see any of the residents of the house. He would just perform the spell from the outside and leave the place be.

He decided to make up for the time he had lost thinking by getting ready for the day ahead of him.

After doing so, he set down and started grading essays of first years on the twelve uses of dragon blood.

His last class ended on a note of giving detention to some third year student for getting a T on his 'attempt' of making a Doxycide.

Merlin, how some people were capable of doing the exact opposite of the given instructions, Severus would never know. A dull throb was gradually developing in his head from lack of sleep and the idiocy of the brats he had taught.

He thought of getting dressed up in muggle attire, but knowing Lily's sister, he couldn't help but laugh at how her reaction would be of displaying his 'freakishness' in her neighbourhood. He knew better than anyone else that she hadn't changed even a bit.

He walked towards the outer boundary of Hogsmeade and then apparated to No. 4, Privet Drive, Surrey with a pop.

The sensation of being pulled through space and time filled his body and within moments, Severus stood facing a street.

Upon seeing both lanes full of white - washed houses and trimmed gardens that gave off monotone and dull vibes, he knew that he had come to the right place. It perfectly fit the perspective the Petunia he knew had.

Scowling, he made his way to No. 4 and while maintaining some distance from the path to the front door, muttered the required incantation.

Something wasn't quite right.

The blood wards were present, but they were not as powerful as Dumbledore had told him. They were also tinted with a small amount of dark magic.

A little concerned, Severus walked to the front door and before he could knock at the door, he heard the sound of someone weeding the garden, not far from his distance.

Curious, he found himself walking towards the backyard from the side of the house to inspect the source.

He saw before him a small boy, not more than 3 or 4, making grumbled sounds while plucking weeds from the garden as his small structure was of no help for the task. The boy was clad in clothes so big for him that his look could compete that of a complete beggar.

But the thing that startled Severus was the look of familiar wild, untameable raven hair that covered the boy's head.

The boy was none other than Harry James Potter.

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