Not So Happy Campers- Part 2

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Here you are, at the top of a 1000-foot cliff, in your swimsuit. According to Chris, the challenge is pretty simple. According to you, walking around an active volcano would be more safe. You look at Harold.

-We jump together. No discussion.

-I was about to say that.

The host explains that the team with the most points will get pushcarts to move their crates back to camp. Then, the teams will have to build an hot tub. But first, you have to jump in the water and hope to land in the shark-free zone.


-It doesn't sound that bad for you guys at home, but you're not the ones who have to do it.

Chris decide that the Killer Bass will go first. Everyone look at each other, wondering who will be crazy enough to go first.

-Ladies first...

-Wow, Duncan. You're such a gentleman.

He wink at you and you roll your eyes. Bridgette decide to go and jump. You watch her succeeding, making you more confident. Tyler is next to jump but hit one of the buoys. He still land in the safe zone. Geoff gives you an encouragement pat on your shoulder and jump, followed by Eva and Duncan. DJ is too afraid to do it.

-I can't do that. I'm sorry.

-Then you'll have to wear this hat for the rest of the day, and use the escalator to go back down!

DJ accepts. You look at Harold and Ezekiel. The three of you jump at the same time. Ezekiel hit a rock, causing you to lost your focus on the safe zone. You hurry to join the boat before a shark can catch you. Harold, out of luck, land directly on his crotch. His scream makes you feel bad for him. When he joins the rest of the team on the shore, you make sure that he feels better.

-You're alright?

-I guess.

-Y/N! You're lucky you swim fast, because you could've ended up as a shark snack! I was so concerned!

-Thank you, Bridgette! But I'm alright.

-Bridgette is right, you know? Losing my new female dude would've sucked!

You smile at Geoff. After a while, Courtney, wearing the same chicken that Chris gave to DJ, joins you. You nod at her, showing your respect. She nods back. A scream catch your attention. It's Katie and Sadie.


When they joins the rest of you, you smile at them.

-Guys, Izzy accepted to swap team with Katie!!! We're on the same team!!!

-Welcome in the Killer Bass, Katie! I'm happy to meet you!

-Me too! It's so cool! Sadie, I missed you so much!

-I missed you more!

You smile and let them properly reunite. You notice DJ being alone and decide to sit next to him.

The Guy With the Green T-shirt (DJ x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now