Chapter 1-Marjoreece- wait...WHAT

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AN- Reece tells marj I love you 😍

Chars pov-
'Reece, I've already told you I'm facetiming mia this Friday you can either come and see me on my lunch break or you can wait until next week it's your choice.' she pauses before continuing.'I still feel really bad that we've not told Marjorie about these 'special meetings'.Don't you think she has the right to know?' She pauses yet again waiting for an answer when she looks up and sees reece deep in a thought. Wonder what he's thinking about?

Reeces pov-
I do feel really bad for not telling Marjorie, but it's for the best. Isn't it?
I see someone walking out of the office and just assumed it was aut running errands or going on her lunch break. Should he say hi? Stupid question, reece, do you want to walk out of this building with no bruised shins?

Marjories pov-
I have just overhead a conversation between reece and Char. I feel sick. He couldn't be cheating on me, could he? Come on, marj, compose yourself the last time you didn't speak about this last time you were stuck with Tom for 7 years, 7 years too long, in my opinion.
Ok, let's go talk to reece.

Reeces pov-
I shudder as I turn around to see a very angry confused Marjorie storming towards me and char after slaming the office door, leaving me and char petrified as to what was about to come next

Marjories pov-
I seem to have given reece and char quite the scare with my face and the slam of the door. Good, they deserve after what they've put me through if I think this is what it seems. 'Oi you two have I just heard that right because I swear to God if you two are cheating on me and Mia with each other then I will be returning back to my villain era and WILL be going to get autumn to smash you faces into the cold hard concrete while I watch do you both understand? You have 10 seconds to explain, go' I say in a harsh tone with a face of thunder plastered on my face but on the inside my roman empire is crumbling. Come on Marj mum said girls don't cry we just have too much time on our hands pull yourself together you great disappointment.

Reeces pov-
WAIT WHAT she seriously thinks I'm cheating on her? I could never she's too perfect. For a second I get lost in her eyes god she's extra hot when she's angry. Seriously reece come on. 'Gorgeous I'm not cheating on you I promise, you're too perfect for that' I say smiling at her as her face begins to soften her lip begins to quiver after she realised char ran away when she saw Marjories face of thunder storming toward her.

Marjories pov-
My lip begins to quiver as I hear that then I feel my eyes begin to sting, I'm crying. Marjorie stop it I mean it stop.
Why won't I stop. This won't work what can I do, bathroom run! I quickly turn around and run down the end of the corridor past all the rooms, the office  and the kitchen. RUN MARJORIE RUN don't let them see you cry she thinks as her mother's words echo in the back of her mind 'girls don't cry we just have to much time on our hands pull yourself together you great disappointment'.

Reeces pov-
I noticed Marjories eyes become glassy after I told her how I felt then she began to sprint away from me where was she going? Reece there's no time for that you love her go and tell her you can do it I run after Marjorie sprinting past a very confused autumn looking out of the window to see me running after Marjorie no time for her right now. I continue running after Marjorie into the toilets as I here another door slam and a lock turn followed by some faint weeping and sniffing, Marjorie my poor baby she doesn't deserve this I should have just told her it's all my fault again. You absolute idiot reece. Reece you can kick yourself later help your girl. 'Marjorie gorgeous can you please open the door baby? For me please?' He asked in a calm yet urgent tone through the bathroom door.

Marjories pov-
Reece is so kind and gentle I don't deserve him he's too good. God I love that man. I can't help but let my back slide down the back of the bathroom door as my legs cave in and I start violently sobbing into my hands trying to calm down, my body goes numb,I can't breathe. I'm having a panic attack. I unlock the door to see reece pacing back and forth infront of the end stall,my stall.

Reeces pov-
Marjorie opens the door as I see her sat on the floor knees to her chest as she frantically grabs her chest signalling to me that she can't breathe I dash into the stall and kneel down in front of Marjorie  and take her hands and put them into mine. I take slow deep breaths to see if that might steady her breathing,that didn't work. I then pull her into hug and bring her head towards my heart so she can hear my heartbeat. I notice her visibly calm down as she feels my skin I feel her breathing get really slow and assumed she has fallen asleep. She probably can't hear me right now but i feel like I need to say this now. 'Gorgeous I know you probably can't hear me right now but I love you so so much I'm so sorry sleep well baby' I say as I pick her up and walk her towards my car and open the passenger door and strap her inside of the car before going to her office. On my way in I greet aut and tell her to book me and marj or annual leave until the end of the week I grab her stuff and walk back to my car to see a very wide awake teary eyed Marjorie wondering how she got there.

Marjories pov-
I can't believe it he loves me,he really really loves me. I notice reece walking towards the car and begin to wipe away my un-fallen tears and begin to compose myself yet again.He begins to get inside the car seeing me wide awake

Reeces pov-
I put marjories stuff in the back and walk towards the drivers side of my black range rover get in and sat to Marjorie 'hey gorgeous what's up? Are you ok? I'm here for you baby' I say in a sympathetic voice and reassuring smile.

Marjories pov-
See? Just too perfect...for me anyway I still can't wrap my head around the fact that he loves me. ME Marjorie Van Gould how could HE love ME? 'Reece do you really mean what you said in the bathroom,you Why me reece? How could you love me?'

Reeces pov-
SHIT SHE HEARD ME!? It's fine reece play it cool. 'What do you mean gorgeous how could I not love you? You're perfect, you're just for me I love you so so much you really have no idea how much you mean to me and how much you have saved me. Gorgeous you're the reason I get up in the morning and the reason I wake up with a smile, knowing I have the pleasure to not only call you my girlfriend but to be able to treat like the princess you really are. I love you Marjorie Van Gould. You'll never know how much I love you gorgeous.' I say pulling her into the deepest most sentimental kiss I have ever given her she leans into me with tears streaking down her face and a huge smile as she kisses me deeply. This is what love, is me and her forever. I never thought I would ever get this.

Marjories pov-
I lean to kiss reece after hearing his speech and that certainly got the waterworks running yet again,God reece seriously? But on a serious note that's so sweet that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me let alone reece. 'Reece I love you too I'm so proud of you for telling me that and opening up to me I love you darling' I say passionately kissing him as I pull away I ask him 'wanna finish this at home?' I say with my voice full of lust and admiration. I think I already knew the answer to this one he has turned me down yet apart from when I was drunk out of my mind.
See what I mean too perfect

Reeces pov-
As she says that with a huge smirk batting her eyelids towards my direction and raising her eyebrows. Her eyes have all of a sudden got darker with a hint of lust behind her eyes. Wow, she's so fit I got lucky,I got REALLY REALLY lucky. 'Gorgeous you're looking at me like you already know the answer to that, and I suspect that you're right. We're going home right now and I'm stepping on it hold on tight.' As I say that I change into 1st gear and slam on the accelerator making my range rover speed up 10 miles per hour within the 1st 5 seconds.
I slam my breaks ready to turn out to the carpark making my Marjorie fly back into her seat after the quick change of pace. All we have to do now is wait to get home. I wonder how tonight's going to end...hmm guess we will never know.

AN: hi guys I will be continuing this chapter as a part two hope you liked the 1st chapter have a great day 😊

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