chapter 3-mialotte-I'm home now baby

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Chars pov-
I facetimed mia yesterday and she said she was coming home next week! I can hardly contain my excitement, I have told all of the staff I've seen today that I might have even told everyone twice. Whoops. I seriously can't wait to see her. This has been her longest holiday yet for 4 weeks! I have been so lonely when I haven't had lilly and Lucy (Chars kids). I have been all on my own. I miss her so much, but don't tell her that she'd feel really bad, and that's not fair on her, I need to grow up I'm 36 now,come on char pull yourself together.

Mia's pov-
I might have told Char a little white lie while I was on the phone to her last night, I'm planning to come home early! I don't know how much longer I can wait. I'm currently in dubai's airport and waiting for my flight to Manchester airport. I should land 4 hours before Chars shift finishes, I get on my flight and see Char is calling me. How could I forget? I told her to call me on her lunch break. I feel so bad pressing the decline button, but I have to do it. I pressed decline and message her 'hey sweetheart 😘 I can't call you right now I'm out at the minute but I'll call you as soon as I'm back bye baby love you' I pressed send and the message I received read 'oh ok have fun mimi I love you too bb' I can tell I upset her but it's for the best, I just have to tell myself, mia think of the look on her face when she's sees the mustang and the red hair inside.

Chars pov-
I have had an absolutely unbearable day today. Calling mia on my lunch was going to be the highlight of my day before she decided it, leaving me, sat in the staff room on the brink of tears all on my own I don't think I could handle talking to anyone for a few minutes until I calm down. I got there scrolling on my phone until I realised my lunch break was about to end in 2 minutes.I put everything back in my locker and walked back down to the toddler where I see winter and carly sat down with the children through the window. I put on a smile and walked back into the room telling carly to go on her lunch she walked out of the room, shouting, "byeee
Charrr" and walking towards the office with reece to see Marjorie. I think Winter noticed something wasn't quite right, but decided to leave it alone for now.

Mia's pov-
I finally landed after my flight from dubai to Manchester 7 and a half hours. I had to set off so early today that I'm so tired, but this will all be perfect when I see Char's face light up. I have gotten into her house and let myself in with the spare key she gave me. For emergencies, I notice her house is a mess, to say the least, so I put my suitcase down on the floor,slip my black 5 inch ysl heels off, and get to work I clean the kitchen I now have 2 hours until I need to pick her up before I start on the living room and her bedroom I cook our dinner and get a few candles set up ready to light when I leave I finish cooking and I now have 1 hour until I need to leave I clean the rest of the house in half and hour the table is set, the house is clean and I have 15 minutes to get to the nursery. I set off with a large smirk on my face thinking of char and what her reaction will be when she sees what I've done for her. I arrived at the nursery with 5 minutes to spare, and I decided I had just enough time to go and taunt Marjorie. I walked into the office, passing Agatha on my way in. I saw charlotte and ducked before she saw me. I crawled past her room and got up when I was sure I was out of sight. I fixed my hair, re-did my lip gloss, and walked in with a smirk autumn immediately, clocking me, and bats her eyelids matching my smirk o nearly burst out laughing but stop myself,barely, and start with the classic 'heyyyyyyy Marjorie' I blow her a kiss and I see Autumn run out of the room and hear two people giggling shortly after I peer out of the door and I say Autumn and Winter trying to contain their laughter failing miserably if I might add. I shoot her a quick wink, making Winters eyes begin to glow with red hot anger, and Autumn begins to laugh even more, bending over as her stomach begins to hurt,it's almost as if we've time travled to before prom night,those were the good days. Anyway... back to marj, I re-compse myself and begin to make fun of her accent,her and reece, you know...the usual. I realise Char will be finishing shortly. I make it extremely clear to Marjorie that Char does not know that I'm here, and if she tells her, I really wouldn't mind throttling her if she finds out before she clocks it herself after that I shout halfway down the corridor bye 'marjieeeeee' Autumn begins to laugh at that again I tell her don't tell char that I'm here and that it's a surprise,politely this time round. I see that Char is up in the staff room, grabbing her stuff, and walking out. I sprinted out the carpark and got in my car and acted natural.

Chars pov-
I get ready to head home after signing myself to a very angry Marjorie. She sat in her chair slumped down,arms crossed with a frown. I thought it was odd that when I looked over Autumn was sat bolt upright with a huge grin you could see from outerspace despite that fact she was trying to hide it with her hand ,constantly giggling everytime she looked at Marjorie. After the strange encounter with those walking out to the carpark with all of my stuff, I see a familiar black mustang with some bright red cherry hair sat in the drivers seat. My jaw instantly drops, and then I connect all of the dots. That was why she couldn't call earlier and the strange encounter in the office! She's obviously been to taunt Marjorie, and Autumn must have found it hilarious. I start jumping up and down as she runs out of her car, slamming the door before continuing to run over to me. I drop my stuff on the floor, and I pull her into I tight embrace before she picks me up bridal style before spinning me around. Straight after that, she hits me with the classic 'hey sweetheart, I missed you, baby,'before giving me a kiss. I begin to cry happy tears at this and try to wipe them away before she notices. I failed.

Mia's pov-
I notice Char has started to cry. I get worried and panic before saying,'Hey sweetheart, don't cry. What's up, baby?'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03 ⏰

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