Chapter 3: A Day in the Woods

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Saturday arrived, and the crisp autumn air filled the sky with the scent of fallen leaves and earth. Mia stood at the entrance of the state park, hugging her jacket tight as she waited for Sarah and Ryan to show up. She had spent most of the morning feeling a strange mixture of excitement and nerves. Spending the day with Ryan was the highlight of her week, but she couldn't shake the nagging thought that Sarah's presence might make things more complicated.

"Hey, sorry we're late!" Sarah's voice called out as she jogged up the path, Ryan strolling casually behind her. Sarah was her usual lively self, dressed in a bright red hoodie, while Ryan looked effortlessly cool in a black jacket and jeans.

"No worries," Mia said, trying to sound calm even though her heart had leapt when she saw Ryan. "I just got here too."

"Ready to hike?" Ryan asked, glancing between the two of them. His eyes lingered on Mia for a second longer than she expected, and she felt her stomach flip.

"Totally," Mia replied with a smile, though her heart was pounding.

The three of them set off down the trail, the crunch of leaves beneath their boots the only sound for a while as they walked. Mia took in the beauty of the woods around them, the vibrant oranges and yellows of the trees glowing in the afternoon light. It was peaceful, and for a few moments, she managed to forget about everything except the crisp air filling her lungs and the feeling of being out in nature.

Ryan walked beside her, while Sarah took the lead a few steps ahead, chatting away about school and weekend plans. Mia listened, but her focus kept drifting to Ryan. Every now and then, she caught his eye, and he'd smile, that small, easy grin that made her chest tighten.

"So, how's the photography going?" Ryan asked, breaking the silence between them.

Mia blinked, pulling herself back into the conversation. "Oh, it's going pretty well. I've been working on some new stuff, trying to capture more nature shots."

Ryan nodded, looking impressed. "You should've brought your camera. This place is perfect for that."

Mia shrugged, a little embarrassed. "I thought about it, but I didn't want to slow you guys down."

"I wouldn't have minded," Ryan said, his voice casual but sincere. "You're good at what you do."

Mia felt a warmth spread through her at his words. She couldn't believe how kind he was, how effortlessly supportive. It made her like him even more. Before she could respond, Sarah's voice cut through the moment.

"Hey, guys, check this out!" Sarah had wandered off the main trail, standing at the edge of a small creek. She waved them over excitedly. "There's a cool little bridge over here!"

Mia sighed inwardly, her brief moment with Ryan interrupted. She followed Sarah, with Ryan trailing close behind. The bridge Sarah was talking about was a small wooden structure, barely wide enough for two people, stretching across the creek.

"Wanna cross it?" Sarah asked with a mischievous grin.

"Sure," Mia said, though she wasn't as enthusiastic. The bridge looked a little old, the wood creaking under Sarah's weight as she stepped onto it.

Ryan chuckled. "You go first, Sarah. Let's see if it holds."

Sarah stuck out her tongue playfully and stepped forward. "If I fall, you guys better save me!"

Mia watched as Sarah crossed easily to the other side. She smiled, shaking her head. Typical Sarah—fearless and full of energy. She turned to Ryan, who gestured for her to go next.

"You got this," he said with a smile.

Taking a deep breath, Mia stepped onto the bridge, her heart pounding a little faster. She could feel Ryan's eyes on her, which both thrilled and unnerved her at the same time. Carefully, she crossed the rickety bridge, her feet testing each plank before putting her full weight on it. When she made it to the other side, she let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding.

Ryan followed, crossing the bridge in just a few easy steps. He made it look so effortless, and Mia couldn't help but laugh.

"What?" Ryan asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing," Mia said, shaking her head. "You just make everything seem so easy."

Ryan shrugged, a small grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Maybe it is."

They continued walking, and as they fell into a comfortable rhythm, Mia felt a sense of ease settle over her. The tension she had been feeling earlier started to melt away, and for the first time all day, she felt truly happy being there—just the three of them, enjoying the moment.

Later, as they reached a clearing at the top of the hill, they decided to take a break. Sarah flopped down on the grass with a dramatic sigh.

"This view is totally worth the hike," Sarah said, staring up at the clear blue sky.

Mia nodded, sitting down beside her. Ryan stood for a moment, looking out over the trees before joining them on the ground. The three of them sat in a comfortable silence, watching the sun begin to dip lower on the horizon, casting a golden glow over everything.

"This was fun," Ryan said after a while, his voice low but content. "We should do this again sometime."

"Definitely," Sarah chimed in, already excited for the next adventure. "Maybe we can plan a camping trip next!"

Mia smiled, though the idea of a camping trip made her stomach flip. More time with Ryan sounded great, but she couldn't help but wonder if things would get complicated. Being around him, she felt like she was on the edge of something—something exciting but also terrifying.

As they started heading back down the trail, Mia found herself walking a little slower, wanting to savor the last few moments of the day. Ryan stayed beside her, while Sarah moved ahead again, always eager to explore.

"You had a good time?" Ryan asked, glancing sideways at her.

"Yeah," Mia said, her voice soft. "I really did."

Ryan nodded, his eyes focused on the trail ahead. "I'm glad."

They walked in silence for a few more minutes, the only sound the crunch of leaves beneath their feet. Mia's mind was racing, but she didn't know how to say what she was feeling. She liked Ryan—more than liked him. And every time they were together, that feeling grew stronger. But what if he didn't feel the same? What if this was just friendship to him?

As they reached the end of the trail, Sarah turned around, beaming. "Let's make a tradition out of this! Hiking every fall, the three of us."

Mia smiled, though the weight of her thoughts lingered. She nodded, but inside, she wondered how long she could keep this secret crush to herself before it became too much to bear.

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