The Team Building

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It was a sunny morning my alarm clock woke me up at 6 : 30 am. It was so perfect that my little siblings isn't even home it was the best school morning... until I realized that the student council was going to meet at 6:30 am in the morning! When I was getting ready my phone rang and it was Cody. When I answered it he shouted at me and said " Where are you Jonah!? We should have left a while ago since your not around we are not going yet so better hurry up!" I answered him "Sure just distract them ok?" As soon as I left home I ran until I reached school and got to the Student council room anfd as I enetered I shouted "IM HERE!" But no one was around execpt a note. It said " Dear late students we are to inform you that we will be back for you in 7 30 please stay in school and wait thank you from Ms. Pals. It was boring that I have to wait in school the whole time. It was lonely there but I saw Audrey come at school. She was wearing a old uniform of her old school it looked casual instead of a uniform actually. She saw me and gave me a smile and she walked to me and said " Hey Jonah what are you doing this early in school today?" I told her "I was waiting for my bus actually how about you?" She answered with her soft voice and said " Oh nothing I just felt coming early." Then suddenly Ms. Pals called me and dragged me out of my conversation with Audrey. I told her to text me later and she just nodded her head. As I was being dragged out by Ms. Pals, I saw the others Student council officers disappointed of me specially Kiara she showed me a bad finger but the teacher didn't mind. I think I really do deserved it though. When it was time to choose your partner time in the bus I was about to pick Cody but someone took him already. There is no other choice than Kiara Baker. When I sat beside beside her she punched me in the face and said " Stupid Jonah!" She quickly turned to the window. It hurted than I expected. I shouted at her " WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" She faced me and answered me " Because you are late and that was the consequence." Good thing Cody was in the other side of the bus with his busmate. When Ms. Pals went into the bus she said " Alright officers, we will be traveling for one and a half hour. So make sure you have enough sleep and food while in the trip. Ok?" We answered " Yes Ms. Pals." It was a long trip going there well not really exactly. Suddenly Kiara said " Im going to sleep. Don't disturb me that much." She quickly fell asleep. While she was sleeping I was watching in my laptop. I wasn't able to talk to Cody too since he was also sleeping. It was a very bad morning for me. The bus stopped and Ms Pals siad " We are here just go to the room I told you yesterday. Boys room is at room 209. Girls room at room 304." We are finally going to out of the bus. When I was trying to wake Kiara. There was something in her bag that caught my eye on. I checked what it was and it was in her wallet and I saw the picture of us when we were just kids. We were at the carnival at that time. Kiara woke up and saw me holding her wallet she said " You were already late now a thief." She snatched her wallet back from me. I asked "Isn't that us when we were kids?" She answered "Oh yeah that picture that use bring back memories." While we were still talking on the bus Ms. Pals called us " Vice President and President please get out of the bus!" As I go out of the bus I saw the building was big like a condo actually. When we went in it was just like a ordinary home. When Ms. Pals told us to go to our rooms and so we went. When we finally reached the room it was big and the beds were double deck. It was kind of boring that there is only three boys in boys room. While we were in our rooms I was texting Audrey about the hangout we were going to do. She said why won't we call it a date then. I got chilly for a second that she was asking me to be her date. I answered her ummm sure. So she replied to me yay friday at 7pm ok? I answered her ok. When I was done texting her Ms Pals came in and said " Boys please line up at the back at 1pm ok? We answered " ok." We went down at the back anfd waited for the girls. When the girls came down with Ms. Pals we lined up. Ms. Pals said " Alright guys, we will be having a activity that would be by pairs. The one you were sitting with in the bus will be your partner. Kiara Baker will know tell you today's activities." When Ms. Pals gave the mic to Kiara she said " Hello fellow Officers! We are going to do three diffrent kinds of activites. The first one is the "blackout hide and seek." In this activity you should find your partner in darkness. Don't worry it won't be that hard. Next is the " protect them" in this activity the partners must help the people they see on there way and by the way the there is a small competion in this activity and it is a competion about leadership whoever helped more people the boy or the girl will get a surprise present. The last activity is called " the awareness" in this activity there will be fun and horror! It will be held at tonight. Many things will happened and the last two partners who dosen't get to be scared or taken will be the winner and also you should protect partner in the past games because if you don't, you lose with your partner. The first activity will be held in the activity center inside and meet your partner inside by the way! Oh yeah the SC secretary will not be joining but will be counting the scores. Thank you!" Once she was done she looked at me and smiled crookedly. That gave me the creeps. I bet she is planning something dangerous. When we went inside Kiara went to me and said " I will be the one seeking and you will hide. Get ready Jonah." She quickly ran to the activity center inside. I was getting nervous because she was laughing really scary. She really did change even her old cute soft laugh changed. Once went in, our enemies in the activites were Rachel and Cody. We all went in and once the whistle was blown I tried to hide while the light was on and every 10 seconds the light gets darker. I had 60 seconds to hide and the last 10 seconds I found a hiding spot. Now after the last 10 seconds the whistle was blown and it was seeking time. I was hiding behind a stereo in the corner. I was so nevous that I hope I wouldn't be found easily so I would win but when she touched the stereo she went at the back and she tripped and fell down on me. She realized it she was touching my face since there are two people hiding and one of them is Cody. It was kind of awkward she was on top of me touching my face. When she finally realized that it was me she shouted " I FOUND JONAH!" Ms. Pals weared night vision goggles and fetched us in our place. When Kiara sat down at the floor I sat down too. When she was about to say something Ms. Pals saw us and escorted both of us outside. When we went outside again we went tk ghe next activity which is in a ( fake ) village. When we went there I acted that I would win the prize and not her. Kiara snapped and said " Stop acting such a winner! Nothing happened yet and I might win the prize too! So stop acting like that and lets just get this over with!" We entered the village and it seem like a pretty normal village. I told kiara " Kiara you go to the left part of the village and I will got to the right part of the village." She nodded her head and we went our ways. I saw a bullying situation so I went there and tried to fix the problem but failed instead the people got away and the victim hurt. I was walking to see more situations and I saw Kiara helping a girl carry books and other stuff. Once she was done she did something for the man and walked his dogs. I thought that she really changed but some of her attitudes and behaviors didn't specially in helping people. Once she was done we went outside and saw the results. MY SCORE WAS 3/12 WHILE KIARA GOT 9/12! Im always losing. When We saw Ms. Pals came with Cody and Rachel she said " Okay teams please go to your respective rooms and wait for the bell that will ring at 6 pm. So we went to our rooms. I was exhausted. The other guys felt the same andwe didn't talk that to much. We fell asleep and when the bell rang we were awakened. We went immediatly down stairs and the girls were already waiting. Now its the last activity both teams were getting ready to get to the finish line. The whistle was blown and we went in the forrest. While we were walking suddenly Kiara held my hand firmly and said " Lets hold hands to make sure we don't lose each other." It sounded like a love couple would say. Wait no! Im not going falling in love with her! Just say its a gesture to say that we shouldn't lose each other. Eventually our hands slipped away from each other. While walking somthing was breathing beside my neck but everytime I check nothin.... I was nervous and eventually someone was pulling Kiara's legs. When she was being pulled she quickly grabbed my hands and kept shouting " Don't lets go of me please!" She slowly hugged me and the one who was pulling her legs was gone. We were running when I tripped and a nurse was looking at me with a big needle. While I was getting scared in the ground Kiara grabbed my hand and said " Don't be afraid Jonah ! Think happy thoughts!" So I stood up and she held my hand and ran. Something was in Kiara's head and it was a spider! She was freaking out and scared. I said " Kiara shake your head down!" So she did. We went running and we saw the finish line and we faced the last scary thing the bear it had blood in its teeth and We were hugging each other. It almost scared the life out of me! But Kiara said " Think of happy memories!" We went running and we passed the bear. We went to the finish line and won! I was so happy! We were hugging each other and suddenly we realized we were to close so we seperated. When we saw Cody running by himself we were shocked that he wasn't with Rachel but a few minutes later she went out screaming! They told us that we won finally we won. After tonight's activity I wouldn't be able to sleep right. When it was finally morning we got to get out of the San Franscisco. While the trip back Kiara slept on my shoulder. I never knew that the new Kiara is really fun. I was thinking that there might be a possibility that I might fall in love with Kiara Baker but there's still a whole year to know Audrey and Kiara better. Well at least.....

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