Meeting Audrey Bell

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I was waiting at main entrance of the school with my fellow boy best pal Cody Williams. He asked me with a exhausted voice "Jonathan can we wait inside by the way why are we even waiting outside of the main entrance." I answered him " I am waiting for the girl of my dreams!" He said to me with a sad voice "Good for you Jonathan at least you have the girl of your dreams while im still a virgin." When he grabbed my bag and said "Who is that cute girl?!" When I saw her she looked familiar but I just have to reached my glasses she was infront of me and it was Kiara! She suprised me. She grabbed my shirt and said to me angrily " Are you waiting for Audrey? Because if you are she is not coming." Cody suddenly said "Do you know each other?" I answered him "Yeah, she was my childhood bestfriend. Kiara Baker, Cody Williams, Cody Williams, Kiara Baker." She smiled at Cody and said" Nice meeting you Cody" Cody answered " Hi Baker Im Williams!" He got so nervous he said the wrong words but Kiara laughed and said to me "Sorry about Audrey she was sick yesterday thats why she's not coming sorry" She said "Bye see ya and nice meeting you "Williams" ." She was gigling and running to school. Now I am sad because Audrey wasn't coming. Sad life for me. When I saw Cody staring so long at Kiara while she was running. I slapped him and said" Cody do you like Kiara?" He answered with a soft voice " Ummm... m-maybe, I don't know." He act so suspecious and I told him "Cody, Cody I know you when you lie tell me this straight, DO YOU LIKE KIARA?" Then he gave up and said proudly " Fine, yes im in love Kiara Baker just by her looks and her smile. Hear that everyone im in love with KIARA BAKER!" He shouted and I think everyone outside heard it but good thing everyone was busy. I laughed and said "Why her dude?" He said "That's enough secrets for today Jonathan." When the school bell rang There was already the election of the student council officers . I was excited because I always got the position of the student council president. Im great at managing things about school activies and stuff. Haha good thing there is no more speech and nominations. Now the intercom will announce the new student council of this year"First the student council representative is Cody Williams of Class 2 - A, next the student council tresurer is Rachel Goodie of Class 2 - E, up next is the student council secretary is Larry Smith of Class 4 - B, and next is the student council vice president is Jonathan Moore of Class 2 - D (I was shocked by the announcements and I was not the student council president but who could be the student council president then) and lastly the student council president is Kiara Baker of Class 2 - D these are your student council officers enjoy your day!" Ahhhhhh! Im not the president of the student council, all I want is to be the one to manage but my best friend was the one who got it. Its time that I should meet kiara in a quiet place. She didn't even bother telling me she was running for the position. Why would anyone elect her for the position!? This is the worst day ever first Audrey now this. All I want is to go out of the school and demand the impeachment of my position. When I was having tantrums in my head the intercom spoke again and said" To all student council officers please go to the student council officeright now thank you." Now I have my first assignment as a VICE PRESIDENT UGHHHH! As I went there I saw Cody talking to Kiara they were the first ones who got there since Kiara didn't attend the class while the announcements were being said. I guess they just got along just fine. When the other student council officers entred that's the only time I went in the room. When we all sat down. Kiara was happy and chill. She announced something to us and she said" Now everyone listen please, I have a announcement to say. We will be having a officer's activity on tomorrow and you will wear casual. We are going to stay in San Francisco for 2 days 1 night. Make sure to get your bags ready by tomorrow thats all for now!" She was excited to say those words because she loves overnights specially when we were young she always sleeps with my family when she was young. Finally it was rest time. She told us that we would do activities for this day that means we will not attend class. Thats nice. When the bell rang we just took a break I was with Cody that time. I asked him somethingbpractical and I said" Did you ask Kiara to go out with you?" He got struked and he let his burger fell on the ground and said " Wh-what did you say?" I told him the question again and he anwered "Fine, I did so what?" I asked him "So what's her answer then?" he answered me " She said yeah sure " I said "I guess your in love with kiara!" He said " Yeah I guess so" while we were talking in lunch break,Kiara suddenly went running to me and said meet Audrey out where I always eat with her." When she noticed Cody she just said" Hey Cody don't forget to dress right and may I borrow your friend!" He said "Sure ok!"
She grabbed my hand and we were walking fast. She never holds my hand like this when we were young I never thought that I woudn't hold her hand again but we have to change she's juzt holding my hand its not "the holding hands" kind of deal. When we fimally reached the place I saw Audrey so pretty and beautiful. She was wearing a dress. When Kiara whispered so sudden she told me " I will leave both of you alone while I will hangout with your friend. Got it?" So I whispered back to her amd said " Got it!" So she left me with Audrey when it was lunch time. While I was with Audrey she was with Cody. Its like we just switched friends. So when we talked She said that all of her friends went abroad when she was young but when Kiara went to her school everything changed and they became friends. Kiara was afun girl she said that she wasn't afraid of anything. When I think of it all we talked about is about Kiara but not our selves. So I said "Audrey Bell would you go out with me" She got shocked and said " Sure let's get each other to know better." So When the bell rang again I said " Bye see you on saturday!" She waved at me with a smile ill will never forget.

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