The second day at school (chapter 6)

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I moved out from the car, and closed the car's door.

"Remember, if you want to go home by yourself, make sure that you've sent me a message." Aunt Susan said, she closed the window then went.

I walked to my class at the second floor. When I was walking to my class,Yuffie greeted me.

"Morning, Refia..!" She said. "I'm sorry to said this, but today I will sat with Alyssa." After said that, she walked away. I haven't answered her.

I guessed, she is mad at me about yesterday. How stupid am I to defending a boy who I never knew before. Okay, it already happened. It's no use if I thinking about it again. Then I continued walking and tried to forget that.

- In the Classroom -

I saw Yuffie's bag wasn't beside me again. And now I sat alone. When I got stress, I always drawing something. And now I was drawing a girl who was closing her face with a book. One by one people viewed my work. But they didn's say anything.

When a boy who sat across to me came in and put his bag on his chair, he sat next to me. And he commented on my work.

"You have a good talent on drawing!" He said. "I like your work. Would you like to drawing me something?" He asked.

"Sure what is that?" I answered.

"Not now, I will give you the photo at break." He answered. "And, what's your name, sorry I forgot your name. I'm Adam."

"I'm Refia." I answered.

"Nice to know you, Refia." He answered.

Not long after, the bell rang. And Adam back to his chair. I put my picture in my bag, and took my book out. And we went to English class. We weren't playing a game again, now we started our lesson.

- At break -

"Hey, Refia." Adam greeted me, and gave me the photo. "This is it. Please draw her perfectly, cause I will give it as a present for her."

"Okay. By the way, may I know who is her?" I took the photo and asked him a question.

"She is my girlfriend. She is cute, isn't she?" He said and then smile.

"Yeah, she is cute, is she here?" I asked.

"No, she's not here. But she is my neighbour." He answered.

"Okay, I will finished it in 2 days if you want the picture looking perfect." I said.

"It's up to you, I can count on you!" He answered and then went downstairs.

I put Adam's girlfriend photo on my pocket, and I opened my lunchbox. I began eat my bread. When I was eating my bread, someone approched me and stood in front of my table. He was Arc.

"Hey, sorry about yesterday. I guess, I make your friendship with Yuffie is broken." He said.

"No, we are still ok." I answered.

"Are you sure? But I see you didn't sit next to her again." He said.

"It just because.....Alyssa is funnier than me." I lied.

"I know you are lying. If I fighting with her again, please do not interfere us. Because we have a special reason..I..I..I mean a reason for that." He said with nervous.

"Okay, I understand..." I answered "And, I'm sorry about yesterday.."

"It's ok." He said and then he back to his chair.

After he gone, I continued my lunch. After I finished my lunch, I went to the Library. Yeah, it was the last thing that I can do cause I have no friend who wanted to chat with me. I went downstairs, and entered the library.

- At the Library -

It was my first time to be in this school library. Here was not bad, I didn't smell the smell of old books. In my old school library, I always smell that annoying smell. It makes me feel better to be longer stay there.

I sat on the chair after I found an interesting book about dinosaurs. I love to read about dinosaurs since I sat in grade 3. And now I still love to read it. When I was reding this book, the bell rang. And I put back the book, and back to my class.

- In front of the Classroom -

I took my sportswear from my bag, and I went to the toilet to changed clothes. After changed clothes, I wait for someone who would go to the field. Actually, I felt a little sad. Cause I have nobody that wanted to chat with me.

But I was wrong. A curly long haired girl approached me. She smile at me, and began ask me something.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"I'm Refia, what about yours?" I answered.

"I'm Olette. You wanna go to the basketball hall with me?" She asked.

"Basketball hall, so we won't be on the field?" I asked.

"George had just told it when we are in the classroom." She answered. George is our class leader.

"Really? I didn't hear it." I answered.

Olette held my hand and we went downstairs. Olette and I are the first one who had just stay there. The teacher looked suriprise of us.

"Wow, girl! You come too fast. Where are the others?" He asked.

"They are still in the toilet." Olette answered.

Not long after, the others came. And then they marched and sat on the floor. And after all of us gathered, the teacher began to talk with us.

"Morning students! I'm here as your physical education teacher, my name's Cid. Now, I will test you some physical test like run, push up, and sit up. After that I will divide you into a group and you will playing basketball." He said.

"It will be tiring!" Olette said.

"Yeah, you right!" I answered.

"Now get up!" He said. "Starts from you, and you go on behind him. Run!"

- 5 minutes later -

"Now, rest for 30 seconds. And set your breath. After that, the boys do push up and the girls do sit up." He said. 

Argh!! It makes me felt tired. I really tired. I couldn't continue sit up again, I stopped doing it. Luckily, the time was over. So all the students may took a longer break. While we were taking our break, Mr. Cid told us our group.

"I hope I am in the same group with you, Olette!" I said.

"I hope so." She answered.

"Boys group. George, Fred, Ken, Adam, and Keith. You are the first group." He said loudly.

"Ah! It was boys group." Olette said.

"Girls group. Alyssa, Connie, Olette, Vionna, and Katia. You are the first group." He said.

"Oh, Olette...You are in different group with me."  said.

"It's okay! Keep cheerful." She answered.

"Boys group. Arc, Jeremy, Bryant, Cody and Lucas. You are the second group." He said. "Girls group. Yuffie, Harriet, Anna, Refia and Belle. You are the second group." And he told the next group again, but I didn't hear it, cause he already call my name.

"Oh, I felt so uncomfortable. Today my relationship with Yuffie isn't really good." I talked to myself but Olette heard that.

"What?" She answered.

"Oh, no. Nothing.." I lied. I couldn't always honest to somebody, cause I had just knew her about 15 minutes ago.

"Now is boys turn. And the girls should watching the boys." He said and then threw the basketball to the boys.

I sat next to Olette on the front row. I tried to avoid Yuffie.....

To Be Continued.

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