Mysterious man (chapter 4)

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On the way to home, I met with Lucy. But, she didn't say anything to me, maybe she thought that I would be mad at her again. When I approached her, she walked away from me without said anything. It's normal if she feared to got close with me. Because I knew the reason.

Actually I wanted to apologize to her, but since she walked away from me, I didn't apologize to her. I just scared the situation came worse if I forced my self to apologize to Lucy. So, it is better for me to postpone about it.

- At home -

I got into my house, but there's nobody here. Am I too fast to went home? I took a look at my watch, and now at twenty minutes past one. I guessed I didn't go home too fast. Well, it's not a problem. After that, I entered my bedroom on the second floor and changed my clothes and also put my bag there.

I went to the kitchen to got some sandwiches, hehehe I was hungry. And I ate it in living room. When I ate my sandwich, someone from outside was knocking the door.

Actually I didn't lock the door, so I thought he was a guest. I immediately opened the door. And, tada!! I was out of luck, there was nobody in front of the door. How dare he was!!

I got back to my sofa, and ate the sandwich again. And again, I heard a fall sound from my house's roof. I thought it was just a bird who had just fell down. Not long after, I heard the second same sound. And I started feel strange.

I went to upstairs and entered my bedroom. And I peered from gap in the curtains to see the roof tiles which is located right in front of my window. I saw a man, but from behind. So, I couldn't see his face. He has a blonde hair, and he is quite tall.

While I was waiting him to faced backward, I made a mistake. Oh!! what's wrong with me?? I held the curtains too tight. As the result, the curtains fell down. The man was looking very shocked when he took a look at me.

He covered himself with a blue fabric. When he covered himself, he immediately disappeared. He made me afraid half-dead. After that, I decided to not leaving my bedroom before there are any people on downstairs......

To Be Continued

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