The Royal Pack

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I'm Wilhelm and I'm about to be alpha of the royal pack at the end of this year. My dad is the powerful alpha Ludvig and i plan on living in his legacy. I'm proud of my parents and what they have done for the pack around North America. If only they knew what i did behide closed doors... I'm secretly gay. I knew i liked men more then women when we did fight training and seeing a guys body i would feel my body react in strange ways then when i looked at girls. When we shift its super noticeable. I know my mate is out there somewhere and ill give them a run for their money. i don't want to be tied down and nobody will make me. I'm sitting in my room ..on my chair as this omega is sucking me off. he does a good job and that's the only thing i do with him.. its feels wrong to try to do anything else. My dad wants me to find a luna this year since I'm turning 18 and that's when your wolf gene activates to find a mate. My wolf is strong and he can be a ass sometimes.

"hey i heard that" he says rolling his eyes. 

My wolfs name is Oski, Hes a black wolf with with one orange eye and one purple eye, they have no ideal why my eyes do that but hes unique.

I cum inside this omega mouth and tell him to leave as he does everytime.

"i really wish you didn't do that..we should save that for our mate" Oski says

"Oski..i don't know why you think ill save that for my mate, its just a blowjob" i say rolling my eyes

"whatever" Oski says and he curls back up

I'm starting my senior year at Hillie Moon High. How ironic right? I go outside to my balcony and look at the scene in front of me. Trees...more trees..ohh and more trees. Running through the woods is the best feeling in the world and it's so exhilarating. I feel Oski wiggle inside which means he wants out but I can't since I have this meeting with my dad soon.

" after the meeting Oski then you can run your paws off" I say

Once I'm at meeting , I see my best friend Henry waiting as well. We sit and talk.

" so any new wolves lately"? He says

" nah dude I don't have time for them " I say looking around

" oh man I got this one girl and she's a freak man" he says

Henry is what is known as the playwolf, he just hookups with shewolves then leaves them. He doesn't belieave in mates so he's " having fun". Henry knows about my secrete though. He's the only one that knows and we have a  secrete bond nobody could break . A wolf link is a very seroius thing, i only have a wolf link with my mom , dad and Henry. My dad comes in with his beta, Harry. 

"okay son so this year is very important that you will need to find your mate. You will be taking my role at the end of the full moon. its very important no mistakes and keep your appearance up. " he says seroius

"yes dad" i say looking around 

"Harry is going to train you soon as well to do combat training incase rouges come in the pack, also the omegas are moving into the pack house as well. so we will need all hands on deck. " he says

oh no..the omegas are going to be in the house with us. They are the most rowdy, rude and edgy wolves you'll meet. Our pack is different , omegas in other packs are submissively abused pups but in ours, they are the heart of our pack, they are the ones that patrol the grounds and nobody fucks with them. i hear the leader is stepping down, which mean the son will take over, i have heard horror stories about the son. So this means I'm going to have to make my point in making sure they respect me like they do my dad. Becoming alpha is a long process and its all about the pack. They need to trust you and respect you. i have heard of other packs rejecting their alpha and they fall apart, its very rare though.

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