Chapter 8: The Council's Ultimatum

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The council chamber was heavy with tension, the air stifling as I took my seat at the long, polished table. I smoothed my hands over my skirts, trying to quell the unease in my stomach. I glanced at the faces around me—councilors from Terra's most prominent families, each with agendas and ambitions. They sat in stiff silence, their expressions hard and expectant as they awaited the start of this meeting.

Kian stood near the head of the table, his eyes scanning the room. The weight of the past weeks had carved lines into his once-youthful face, giving him an air of weary resolve. His gaze met mine, a flicker of something unspoken passing between us. I offered him a slight nod, trying to reassure him, though I wasn't sure what. The rift between us had grown in recent days, a consequence of the secrets and emotions we'd buried to focus on the crisis at hand.

Jax's revelations about the Crown had shifted something within Kian, making his actions more guarded and calculated. I had always admired his strength, the way he bore the responsibilities of his title without complaint, but recently, his demeanor had taken on a new edge, one that frightened me. It was as if the Crown's power was already seeping into his thoughts, shaping his decisions. And I... I could feel myself getting lost in the turmoil of his changing nature, unsure of where I stood in his life.

The chamber door creaked open, and I turned my attention to the group of councilors entering. These were the most influential minds of Terra, but their loyalty had always been to their power. As they took their seats, I caught snippets of their whispered conversations, words about the alliance, the unrest spreading through the kingdoms, and—more ominously—the Crown's awakening.

Kian finally spoke, his voice steady but tinged with underlying tension. "Thank you all for coming," he began, his eyes moving across the room. "We face a pivotal moment. The alliance with Eltor hangs by a thread, and the Crown's influence grows stronger. We must consider our next steps carefully."

The room was silent momentarily, and then one of the councilors, Lord Harlen, leaned forward. His eyes were sharp, calculating. "We have considered, Your Highness," he said, his formal tone edged with something cold. "And we believe it's time for more decisive action. Terra cannot afford to be indecisive when the very future of our kingdom is at stake."

My heart skipped a beat. I knew what was coming and could feel the ominous weight of his words settling over the chamber like a dark cloud. Kian's jaw tightened, his eyes narrowing as he regarded Lord Harlen.

"Decisive action?" Kian repeated, his voice controlled. "And what, exactly, do you propose?"

Lord Harlen didn't hesitate, his gaze flicking toward me before settling back on Kian. "The Crown," he said bluntly. "We must seize it, control its power, and use it to solidify Terra's dominance. Eltor is weak; they're scattered, and now is the time to assert our authority."

I felt the blood drain from my face, the words striking me like a blow. It was madness. To think they could control the Crown, bend it to their will... It was a dangerous fantasy, one born of arrogance and desperation.

Kian's eyes flashed, his calm mask cracking for just an instant. "You speak of war," he replied, his voice cold. "A war that could devastate both kingdoms and plunge us into chaos. The Crown's power is not a weapon to wield recklessly."

"Then what would you suggest, Your Highness?" Lord Harlen pressed, leaning forward. "We have seen you falter, hesitate in the face of this prophecy. The council is concerned, and we are prepared to act in Terra's best interest, with or without your consent."

The room went deathly quiet, the threat hanging in the air. My heart pounded as I watched Kian, his expression darkening. This coup was thinly veiled as concern for the kingdom's future. I glanced around the table, seeing some councilors shift uncomfortably while others met Kian's gaze with open defiance.

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