Chapter 9: His Perilous Battle

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Cynthy groaned as she opened her eyes to see her bed in a complete mess, complicated feelings surfaced from her heart as she gazed at the empty bed to her left.


She released a sigh, before she lightly slapped herself to sober up.


She stood up and opened the door, allowing the soothing music playing from downstairs to enter her ears.

~Instead of wings to soar through the sky…~

~We chose hands to hold one another…~

A thought crawled its way into her mind as she gazed at her own star-link, ‘Leo woke up earlier than usual’.

After washing her face, she went downstairs and saw the back of a red-haired youth. He was preparing some sort of hot chocolate drink for himself.

Music continued to play in the background as she pondered what felt different about her child.

~We'll spread these sails together… filled with all of our dreams…~

‘He doesn't seem to have grown much taller, but his skin seems to be lighter than before… hmm… aha! He must have fallen for someone, but who could it be?’

While she was deep in her thoughts, Leo turned around as he stirred his drink with a teaspoon. Leo heard her walking down the stairs, so he already knew she was behind him.

He warmly greeted, “Good morning Mom”.

However, what greeted him was her tears. As if she misunderstood something, she swiftly walked towards him and hugged. 

Leo hurriedly placed the cup down and asked, “What's wrong Mom?”

Cynthy didn't answer him and only pat his head. She spoke in a comforting tone, “Leo, I'm sorry”.



Beneath the shadows of the thick forest, a twig snapped in two under the force of a mysterious figure's steps. The figure donned a black metallic armor which only partially covered its head, chest, arms, and legs. Under this black armor was a black skin-tight suit that covered its body from its chin till its toes.

Behind the armored figure were four others who uniformly wore the same things as it. The only differences between them were the weapons they had. The one leading them had a spear, on his left was a person holding a sword and on his right was someone wearing gauntlets. One of them at the back had something similar to a pistol, while the other one simply wielded a sword.

They silently surveyed the area as they walked around the forest, keeping their pentagon formation at all times.

Someone among them asked, “Why don't we just give up on this mission?”

The man with the gauntlets tapped on his star-link and said, “I agree with Cain, we've already searched the whole forest yet there's no sight of a single beast”.

A panel silently appeared in front of him.

[Survey Mission: Find out why elemental beasts are rushing out of Redwind forest.
Danger rating: C

Recently, elemental beasts of all shapes and sizes have been running away from Redwind forest. They might not pose a threat to the city, the forest is still the only beast zone nearby that's suitable for training the young.

*Find out why the elemental beasts are migrating from the Redwind Forest.
*Locate the Redwind Forest's Child and check its condition.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2024 ⏰

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