Chapter 5: Engaged

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A nearly transparent body was floating below the ceiling, it had a figure similar to a female human.

Her long and pale red hair waved as she floated in the air. Her eyes were akin to aquamarine, they flickered as she gazed at the woman before her.

Although she could only see the person's back, she knew that the woman was a beauty just like her.

The woman had long icy blue hair, and a pointed elven ear. Contrary to her race's trait, she was only around 5'5 tall, but she still had a steamy figure.

The woman was walking along the red carpet, facing a pair of wooden doors. When she was a step away from the door, she stretched her hand out and knocked on the door with her knuckles.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A disembodied voice entered Liz's ears, “Come in!”


Xander entered the room, he glanced at Belle and smiled. He then excitedly explained, “I have good news, it appears that what she experienced really was bloodline awakening. Not only that, it's at the same level of the clan heir's bloodline awakening…”

Lizelle's eyelids trembled in delight, while her mom joyfully jumped. Belle interrupted, “Really?”

Xander nodded and continued, “There's a catch though, it seems that Liz is now engaged…”

The lady's eyes widened and just as she was about to say something, a silvery voice entered her ears.

The voice exclaimed, “Engaged‽”

Xander gazed at the formerly sleeping beauty with a smile. Just like her mother, her reactions were as dramatic and obvious. This was one of the traits that he loved most about his wife, he found it cute. Of course Liz wasn't the same outside their house, in fact she was only like this in front of them.

He chuckled, “I knew you were awake, and yes you are engaged. I had no hand in this, nor did your mom. It was the Fire Dragon God who did, you might think I'm crazy but I assure you I am not. There are real gods in this world, and he's just one of them. Now back to the topic, remember what I said before?”

Liz was confused, he talked about a long of things earlier. She tried to recall what he said earlier and answered, “That it's at the level as the clan heir's bloodline awakening?”

Xander smirked, “So you were awake long before I came back”.

Liz was about to explain, but Xander's face became serious once more.

“You are engaged to the current clan heir of the Fire Dragon God Clan, I know you have many questions but let me continue. Having a new clan heir means that someone, other than us, is willing to rebuild our fallen clan”.

Belle finally spoke, “Then who is Liz engaged to?”

“That, we don't know. Which is why I asked Albert to identify anyone else that had an awakening today.”

Not many knew, but Xander knew that people with the same hair color as theirs was once part of the same clan. Although the city was big, only a few thousand residents had the same red hair as theirs. There were people with red hair that's for sure, but none of them had a hue similar to that of a pale rose.

Identifying those who had an awakening was easy as well, they only had to look for someone whose eye color changed.

Xander continued, “We'll find the results by tomorrow, so relax. If you don't really want to marry him, then you don't have to.” before he looked at his beautiful daughter.

He didn't dare say that even if she didn't want to, she will somehow fall for the said person though. It was like the Fire Dragon God was not actually the one who engaged them, more of him predicting who would the clan successor fall for. In other words; he never failed, not even once.

Liz sighed in relief, while her mother stepped away from her and moved towards Xander.

She pushed Xander out of the room as she said, “Seeing that you're fine, we'll leave the room first”

After they closed the door behind them, Liz stood up from her bed and finally noticed why it was breezy. Unlike Leo, she wasn't so surprised, from a young age her mother had always told her about what blood awakening entailed.

She walked to her dressing room and got herself dressed in a pair of blue pajamas. After which, she opened the door to her balcony and looked at the sky. Contemplating whether she should give the other person a chance or not, she thought that the other person was also forced into this engagement.

She sighed as she thought, ‘Maybe I should give him a chance’. She stood there for minutes before she went back in and closed the door.

After a glance at where she awakened, a thought arose in her mind. ‘I wish I didn't—’ however she remembered something very important.

She was using her VR Visor when she awakened, yet she couldn't find it anywhere. She sighed once more and said, “Whatever, I'll just buy a new one tomorrow”.

Unfortunately for her, when she collapsed, she fell down head first and cracked the visor. It was a prototype so they could not get it fixed, the designers also did not think that anyone would use it while standing.

Thus, her mom casually threw it in the trash. She didn't bother to think of repairing it, doing so was more expensive than buying a new one. It was also harder to find someone who can fix something that was not even officially released yet.

She laid back on her bed and decided to sleep. Unfortunately for her, the events that happened earlier twisted her dreams.


“Liz, I found out who you're engaged to.” said Xander. He then showed her a picture of the said person, which petrified her. The person looked a lot like an orc, but he was human.

The next second, it was like time turned backwards and Xander showed her another picture. She was shocked again, the person looked like a horse.


This went on and on, until she eventually woke up in anger. Every single time, it was someone that disgusted her. If she had known that everyone in the clan actually had dragon blood flowing within them, she would have never even dreamt of such things.

She tried to sleep again, fortunately as if God decided to help her, this time she dreamt of something different.


“Come in!”


She then pushed the door open, revealing a lavish bedroom. Opposite her was a man sitting on a king-sized bed, he exuded a wild but hot aura. He had a handsome face and a well toned body, which was fully revealed to the world as he was topless.


On another part of the city, unlike Liz, Leo was wide awake. He stretched his hand out and his gaze fell on his black ring.

After dressing himself with a white shirt and black pants, he decided to use the ring. He thought that the pain he felt earlier was beneficial, and didn't think that the old dragon would lie to him. He felt that there was no point in killing him, he was nothing but a nobody after all.

After recounting how to use a spatial ring, he focused on the ring and felt a sudden sense of weightlessness. Everything went black in one moment, and in the next moment light entered his eyes again.

He scanned his surroundings and exclaimed, “Why am I in the middle of a city‽”

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