Chapter Twenty

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                                                Monday August 29th

"Lily, Amii. Where are you?" Don called their names as he walked through the house. The house was silent, neither were in their rooms. He looked out back, nothing. He felt his irritation rise. Where have they gotten off to? I told them to stay put. They better not call any attention to themselves. He laid the school supply list on the table and took the remaining paperwork to his office. How will I keep Lily in line? I know it was not Amii's idea to go anywhere. That boy is weak. He heard a ruckus at the front door. They must have forgotten their key. He went to the door and opened it to the sight of Lily and Amii standing there like surprised prey. "I told you two to stay here! Where have you been?"

"I got a can..." Lily slapped her hand over Amii's mouth.

"We wanted to go out." Lily said. "Did you expect us to stay cooped up in this house all day?"

Don raised his eyebrows, his mouth contorted. "I expected you to do as I instructed you."

"Well, we wanted to take a walk, so we did."

"Get in here now! When I tell you to do something, you shall obey me. Is that understood?" Amii shook his head up and down. Lily stood firm, head high and stubborn. "This is not a game. We are here for a purpose, not for you to take strolls."

Lily refused to appease Don. "Did you register us for school, Don?"

Don had a choice to make; he could continue with his failed pursuit of obedience, or he could move forward. He walked to the kitchen with Amii and Lily in pursuit.

"Yes, and I had to listen to a twangy country accent for fifthteen minutes. My ears are still ringing from high pitch southern draw," he let of a sigh. "There is much to be done. We must purchase school supplies," Don picked up the list from the table and Lily snatched it from his hand.

"Backpack, pencils, composition notebook, wide ruled notebook paper, erasers, glue sticks, red pens, pencil box." Lily's voice rose with excitement. "Are we going shopping?"

"Yes. And you are both coming with me so I can monitor you." 

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