Chapter 3

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A few hours later, after taking a short tour of the campus, I stand in front of the dorm building. It is a towering structure made of shimmering stone that seems to glow under the moonlight, as if infused with celestial energy. At night, the stone walls of Lunaris Hall seem to shimmer under moonlight, and some say the building itself shifts ever so slightly with each lunar phase. Inside, the air is cool and serene, with softly glowing runes etched into the walls, providing protection and comfort to its residents. The hall's windows always offer a perfect view of the night sky, no matter where you're standing.

After gathering the necessary details from the reception, I make my way up the stairs toward my assigned room. The hallway is quiet, and each step I take echoes softly against the carpeted floor. Occasionally, the sound of laughter drifts through the hallway from behind the closed doors of various rooms, breaking the otherwise quiet atmosphere. It adds a sense of life to the place, reminding me that despite the strangeness, there's still a sense of normalcy here—students bonding, making friends, and finding their way just like I am.

At last, I reach my room. Taking a deep breath, I turn the doorknob and step inside. The space feels unfamiliar yet welcoming, with simple furnishings and a window that lets in soft light. It's quiet, a place where I can finally catch my breath and process everything that's happened. But as I step further into the room, my heart skips a beat. Sitting on a regal armchair, positioned right in front of me, is Camila. Her presence is unexpected, and she regards me with a calm yet intense gaze, as if she had been waiting for me all along.

"Well, aren't I the lucky girl?" she says. I offer a cautious smile, trying to gauge Camila's reaction.

"I am so pleased! I'll be the perfect roomie. Don't you worry!" As she pauses, either to take a breath or for dramatic effect, I take the opportunity to glance around the room. The space is elegant and cosy, with rich colours and tasteful décor that make it feel both luxurious and inviting. A striking fireplace catches my eye, its flames glowing a vivid purple. The unusual colour casts a mesmerizing light across the room, adding a touch of magic to the already intriguing space. On the mantle above the fireplace, a few statues of satyrs and phoenixes stand guard, their intricate details catching the light from the purple flames. Among them are several candles, their flickering flames adding to the room's ambiance.

I turn to Camila and, with a sigh of relief, say, "Today has been insane for me. I could really use a few minutes to just process everything."

Her understanding smile makes it clear she gets it, and I feel a small sense of comfort knowing I can take a moment to gather myself. I plop down on the sofa, sinking into the soft cushions with a grateful sigh. The plushness is a welcome relief after the whirlwind of the day. I let the comfort of the sofa help me unwind, taking a moment to breathe and let the events of the day settle. I look at Camila with a mix of curiosity and fatigue. "You mentioned you're a legacy. What does that mean?"

Camila remains absolutely still for a moment, her expression unreadable. Then, she finally smiles, though the smile seems almost painful.

"My family owns the number one law office in the world. They are famous. And, they all went here with top grades," she says, her tone a mix of pride and resignation. "The company, you know, Sanchez Legal Inc., is doing really well. I'm sure you've heard of it. But I came here to live my life the way I want to. Not to be pressured into following in my parents' footsteps and joining the legal team."

I can relate to her feelings, the longing for something new and different. I understand the desire to break away from expectations and carve out a path that truly resonates with who we are. "Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you try, nothing happens? Like nothing makes you genuinely happy from inside?"

"Yes. It's how I felt all the time, "she replies. "Until I got here!"

That's true... This place does have something that finally feels right, a sense of belonging and possibility that's been missing elsewhere. It's as if, in all the chaos and change, there's a glimmer of something genuine and fitting for me. And yet, I feel like all of this could disappear just as suddenly as it came. "But it all feels fleeting, like it won't last long," I share, gloomily.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't have any powers," I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. My voice trembles as I finally tell her the truth, revealing the secret I've been keeping since my arrival. The words feel heavy as they leave my mouth, a mix of fear and relief washing over me, unsure of how she will react. I take a deep breath and begin to narrate the strange incident that brought me here—the moment I was at home, completely unaware of what was coming. "I was just sitting on my bed reading, when the air around me shifted, and everything became quiet. The next thing I knew, there was this strange hologram of a girl in front of me... who looked just like me! And then, before I could even react, I got sucked into a portal." I pause, watching Camila's expression as I recount the surreal experience. "I don't know how or why it happened. One minute I was at home, and the next... I'm here. It doesn't make any sense."

Camila stares at me for a while, before uttering the magic words, "I'll help you."

I blink in surprise, then grin with relief. "Thank you! I honestly thought you'd... I don't know, drown me or something." I pause, looking at her more seriously. "Can you even do that?"

"I can, because I can control the elements. That's my power. But... I will not," she says. "When you say you don't have any powers, how do you know that? Have you tried anything?"

"No, not really. I wouldn't know how to," I reply, helplessly.

Just then, something in the mirror on the opposite wall catches my eye. Near the wall behind me, a shadowy figure begins to pulse and grow. My heart skips a beat as it takes shape, forming the same weird hologram of the girl from before—the one that led me here. But this time, the image doesn't linger. It quickly dissolves into a swirling, shadowy ball. Before I can react, it lets out a shriek, a sound that chills me to the bone, and hurtles straight toward me with terrifying speed. The shadowy ball slams into me with force, knocking me off my feet. I hit the ground hard, my breath escaping in a gasp. As it circles back for another attack, panic surges through me. I raise my hands instinctively in defence, bracing for the impact. But instead of being struck again, a sudden, intense surge of invisible power bursts from my hands. The energy shoots forward, making the creature slam into the wall behind. The blast tears through it, causing the shadowy form to ripple and disintegrate, vanishing into thin air.

I stare at my hands, stunned by what just happened. The shadowy creature is now nothing more than a wisp of dissipated energy. As I stand there, I can feel a deep, resonant power within me, a realization that it has been there all along, waiting to be awakened. The sensation is both exhilarating and grounding, confirming that I'm capable of more than I initially understood.

"Rory!" Camila rushes over, her face a mix of concern and relief as she checks to see if I'm okay. When she sees that I'm unharmed, her smile returns, a glint of hope in her eyes. "Well, it looks like there may be hope for you yet," she says warmly, her tone encouraging. "Seems like you've got more power in you than you thought."

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