Chapter 6

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Taking a deep breath, I enter the classroom. The space is well-lit and filled with an array of intriguing equipment and props that hint at the subject matter. At the front of the room, Professor Knightly stands ready, her presence calm and reassuring. She's already setting up for the lesson, arranging various objects and materials on a table.

I slide into the first free seat I see, hoping to find a spot quickly. As I settle in, I glance to my right and realize I'm sitting next to a guy with dark hair and seafoam green eyes. He's engrossed in organizing his notes, his attention focused and thoughtful. I feel a small blush rise to my cheeks, and I try to compose myself, pretending to be absorbed in my own notebook. I steal a quick glance at him, noting his friendliness and the faintest hint of a smile. Stop! What is wrong with you? Focus on the lesson!

He notices me and looks up, his eyes meeting mine with a sparkle. "Hi there," he says with a warm smile. "I'm James. Looks like we're both new to this class."

I return his smile, feeling a bit more at ease. "Hi, I'm Rory. Yeah, it's my first class, too."

James leans back in his chair, still smiling. "So, you're a Telekine, huh?" he says casually, as if it's no big deal.

I blink, caught off guard. "How do you know that?" I ask, surprised but curious.

He grins, a playful glint in his eyes. "I have my sources," he replies mysteriously, then winks, making it clear he's not planning to spill his secret.

I raise an eyebrow, unsure whether to laugh or be intrigued. "Sources, huh?"

James just shrugs, still smiling. "Let's just say I've got a good sense about people," he adds, leaving me wondering if he's teasing or if there's something more to it.

Before I can press him further, Professor Knightly clears her throat at the front of the class, signalling that it's time to begin. But the mystery of James' "sources" lingers in my mind as the lesson starts. Professor Knightly walks to the front and introduces today's lesson: controlling our powers using both our hands and minds. The room falls into an attentive silence as we listen, each of us eager to understand how to channel our unique abilities more effectively.

"Everyone in this room has different gifts," Professor Knightly says, gesturing around. "But the principles of control—focus, mental clarity, and energy manipulation—are universal. Whether your power is telekinesis, electricity, elemental control, or something else entirely, mastering your mind and body is the key to unlocking your potential."

I glance around the room and notice how diverse the powers are. One student near the front seems to have electricity sparking between their fingers, while another, sitting a few rows back, has a faint shimmer around them, likely from some form of invisibility or shapeshifting. I even catch a glimpse of someone quietly practicing superspeed, their hand blurring for a split second as they move. But as I take it all in, it's clear that I'm the only telekinetic here. Professor Campbell mentioned how rare telekinesis is, and now I feel the weight of that uniqueness. There's a sense of awe in knowing my power is different, but also a hint of pressure. Damn!

Professor Knightly continues. "We'll be practicing the connection between your thoughts and physical actions. Now, the key to controlling your abilities lies in syncing your mental focus with your physical movements. Your hands will often act as conduits for the energy you channel, but the real control comes from within—your mind. For Telekines like Rory," she says, nodding at me briefly (everyone cranes to look at me), "your mind will lead the energy, while your hands guide and direct it. Others, like those with elemental or electrical powers, will need to balance both internal and external forces."

She demonstrates a technique, her hands moving fluidly while her voice guides us to concentrate on the power within us. As we follow her instructions, I focus deeply, trying to connect my mind to the energy in my body, to the feeling of telekinesis that's still so new to me. The room hums with quiet energy as students experiment with their powers.

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